andwhy67:Just wondered if anyone else has had something similar?
Yes. On Royal St G's, at the Suez Canal. The wind was blowing straight from behind me. I aimed at the center of the the little crossing bridge and tried to Drive over it. My ball landed on the bridge, rolled part way across, then off the right side. I thought it was gone, but then I got the Immovable Obstruction notice flashed up, and I was given a free drop. I had no idea what had occurred .
I looked at the replay. The retaining wall is made of individual pieces so it is not smooth and straight down. On the far side wall of the canal, where my ball rolled off, a small piece stuck out just above the water level. I landed on it.
I watched the replay several times. As I attempted to save it, I experience an error message saying I needed to close the window and try again. Oh well, that's another part in the story of my life. LOL