MarchieB - Thanks man, I agree when i hit Master something definitely clicked. I'm not even sure what was different but i was just better, the game was more fun too and i picked up a better driver which really changed things also. I'm stoked I didn't go for too much bag early on and get burnt out either, I played for coins in h2h cause it was fun to compete in a live setting but now I'm seeing how stroke play and the more even pace can benefit your game and precision shots so much more. I'm looking for TM in my not too distant future.. lol
Good call on the '2 in the best 18' spot on my profile, i would have never known that was the problem unless i asked around the forums. I appreciate the knowledge for the game over here. And I'll get into the Virtual tour events, sounds like a good time!
I might be looking for a little more active CC if anyone knows anything...