ScottHope: Astonished to hear that yours only covers a few days though, makes me realise just how much people do in the way of credit fishing.
I get my 150 a day (video credits) so 2 days of that will use 150 of the 200 transactions slots!! Previous to the limit I normally only ever had 1000 or so credits at any given time. I use 64 credit balls so I never needed many in my account unless i was planning a club upgrade when i was close to leveling up. Those times I would watch an hour or so of videos a day in the week(s) leading up to the planned purchase.
I assume that you calling it "Credit Fishing" is your way of saying that you (like some others) feel that funding your game via Video/Survey credits is less ethical than paying out of pocket? You are entitled to your opinion but IMHO the Video for Credit system is a perfectly moral way of funding your game as it is a valid revenue stream for WGT (the same as a lot of other games out there) WGT is generating revenue from it otherwise they would not do it. The fact that it was capped and limited was not because of WGT's desire to do so (they make $$ off it) but because of the advertisers themselves (and rightfully so) due to the abuse of the system. The advertisers are more than willing to pay for the views but were not willing to pay to have one person view their ad 1000 times each day. They would rather have 1000 individual people watch their ad once a day. For the advertisers It's about volume of people not volume of views.