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Fri, Sep 9 2011 4:54 PM (8 replies)
  • wjj8
    218 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2011 7:47 PM

    Since it has not been implemented as of yet(and probably never will)...what about making the big drivers and big irons completely tier specific, not level specific. It seems to me that this would do a couple of things: 1) Make it a bit more fair to say a not be up against a master or tourpro with the same exact equipment, but hitting a mile ahead. 2)Knock out all future want the bigger better drivers/irons...then "man up" as they say and get your average down and get to the legend tier....and if ya can't make it there well then you get the clubs you got.

    Drivers: nothing above 255yds for tourpro, nothing above 275yds for master and tourmaster, everything above 275yds..legends only

    Irons: the top two iron sets as of now are i15s and 2.0s...both should be legend only

    I fully understand that in the real world anyone could get these clubs...but this aint the real world...and not everyone can crack a driver 300+yds, and hit irons with deadly precision...if that was the case we'd all be pros.

    and for those that have the drivers and irons far as i am concerned....MAKE 'EM ALL LEGENDS....if ya did the change....which you probably would never do. Can't say it's revenue got some gaudy superfast woods for level 11+ that just suck but your charging out the wazoo for them.

    Not sayin'......Juuuuussssst sayin'


  • Teedaawg
    276 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2011 8:19 PM

    ...well now wouldn't that be cool! know in a "PERFECT WORLD" they would just go ahead and do that...except only two problems... 1.) then they lose all the cheaters and people who really can't play (and I assume it's alot!) ...I'm guessing it has a bit to do with dollars and cents...and 2.) we dont live in a "PERFECT WORLD!!!"

  • Ecka65
    245 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2011 1:36 AM

    I agree entirely with the OP.

    I can only assume thatthe tier system was meant to act like club handicaps and grades.  Ie, have players of similiar ability / development competing.  But the system has been totally undermined by linking equipment upgrades to levels rather than tiers.

    As far as I can see, the only way an individual on WGT can actually find out how good they are in the scheme of things is to unlock everything and play at Legend level against others with everything avaialble.  Upto such a point there is no way to judge.  A "Master" at level 40 odd - even if a brilliant player - will struggle to compete with Masters at level 90.

    I think it an important issue worth addressing.  In the long run I think it hurts WGT.  I myself feel like I've entered a limbo period that will likely take months to grind through because I reached Master too early.  Great reward and incentive for trying!

  • wjj8
    218 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2011 2:58 PM

    Stick with it does seem to drag about a bit at Master Tier...but don't rush it...before you know it you'll be out of Master(and those horrible VF greens) and into Tour Master...and if you really want it, a hop...skip...and jump away from Legend!!!  

    *side note* I know how it feels...when I first made Master I had a 250yd Tour Burner driver and Burner irons...made for a long couple

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2011 3:13 PM

    A little over a year ago, the forums were filled with people complaining about how the clubs were TIER SPECIFIC.

    Now we have the system that is in place.


    The moral of the story......... No way to win.


    WGT does have to revisit the tier system to include MP, MPC and alt shot.


    Happy hitting

  • TarheelsRule
    5,586 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2011 4:24 PM

    It is a bit disheartening to play against a master or pro with all the same equipment that I have playing from the short tees.  I do feel that the tournament green speed tends to equal that out a little but not entirely since many of them are used to it by now.

    I like the thought of having clubs that are specific to your tier not level but I'm sure that WGT wants as much play as possible so they would want people trying to level up to get the new clubs.  In my mind the best way to avoid a lot of the sandbagging is not gamble with them.  I live in a state that does not allow me to play MPC or Ready Go's so while I could change my address I choose not to for several reasons, one of which is the sandbagging that is done.  I can play stroke play, match play, Blitz, Alt Shot and enjoy the weekly tournaments and have a great time without giving money to those guys.

  • golfentwilly
    158 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2011 4:33 PM

    As a master I do agree,but how often do they beat you,when you have your normal good game..

  • TarheelsRule
    5,586 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2011 4:38 PM

    Well I don't do MPC so never in that.  In stroke play a master with an average close to mine I generally win 60% of the time.  Blitz the tees don't matter so 99% of the time and alt shot I try to even the teams so 50/50.

  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2011 4:54 PM

    ....if ya did the change....which you probably would never do.
    Sorry , but it's just very ironic  listening to an idea from a player who was not here when the very system in which he refers to was already in    So odd. 

    Since it has not been implemented as of yet(and probably never will)...what about making the big drivers and big irons completely tier specific, not level specific.
    lol , "as of yet huh ?"   lol,   so sorry wjj8 , not trying to be rude in anyway ,  you would just had to of been
