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Re: Clash rules????

Thu, Dec 9 2021 3:02 PM (14 replies)
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  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Mon, Jan 13 2020 3:46 PM


    Unfortunately it is random selection.
    When one club is requesting a challenge they will get paired with the first club that also requests a challenge. If both your clubs requested a new challenge immediately as soon as your last one was over then there is a good chance that your two clubs could get paired up again.
    This happens occasionally in H2H coin games as well.


    In response to this.....intentionally waited 5 minutes so that Penalty Box would get paired with another cc.....while waiting a challenge came in ....and it was Penalty Box again....and we had not challenged yet......and we could not refuse it because there is no way to do so.....I play a lot of clash matches....but if this does not get resolved...I see no fun in it....nor any reason to participate.

    90 % of this club were recruits ?  Really ?

    The recruits are called mercenaries,  recruited for clashs only , then after clash they go back to their home club.  Been going on for a few years,  technically it isn't breaking any rules, just shows that some clubs have no integrity.  Pairing, is just laziness on the program that was implimented.  If you're going to clash, just have to deal with it.  

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Jan 13 2020 4:03 PM



    Unfortunately it is random selection.
    When one club is requesting a challenge they will get paired with the first club that also requests a challenge. If both your clubs requested a new challenge immediately as soon as your last one was over then there is a good chance that your two clubs could get paired up again.
    This happens occasionally in H2H coin games as well.


    In response to this.....intentionally waited 5 minutes so that Penalty Box would get paired with another cc.....while waiting a challenge came in ....and it was Penalty Box again....and we had not challenged yet......and we could not refuse it because there is no way to do so.....I play a lot of clash matches....but if this does not get resolved...I see no fun in it....nor any reason to participate.

    90 % of this club were recruits ?  Really ?

    The recruits are called mercenaries,  recruited for clashs only , then after clash they go back to their home club.  Been going on for a few years,  technically it isn't breaking any rules, just shows that some clubs have no integrity.  Pairing, is just laziness on the program that was implimented.  If you're going to clash, just have to deal with it.  


  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Mon, Jan 13 2020 6:58 PM

    In response to this.....intentionally waited 5 minutes so that Penalty Box would get paired with another cc.....while waiting a challenge came in ....and it was Penalty Box again....and we had not challenged yet......and we could not refuse it because there is no way to do so ...

    90 % of this club were recruits ?  Really ?

    I only really play on mobile so I cannot say what the screen looks like on the PC Flash game for Clashes. But on mobile once your Clash is over it changes to a general Clash screen that has a button to start the process of challenging a club. If you do not press this button the game will not “look” for another club and will not pair you up with another club. As far as I know anyone in the CC can press this button to initiate the search for a club to clash with. 
    Now there is also the possibility that  both your clubs waited a few mins and just happened to get paired up again. While it would seem unlikely ... it is not impossible. 

    Also how could one club “request” or choose the club they were going to get paired with??? This is not even an option. Unless you are accusing TPB or WGT of cheating or ??? to purposely play your club a second time in a row.

    IMHO I would just chock it up to bad luck!

    Now with regards to your accusation of 90% recruits coming to the aid of TPB to battle your club .... while I’m sure this does happen on a small scale, the club you are calling out currently has 226 of its 250 available member positions filled (90%) . So your figure of 90% of players being “recruits” who leave immediately after a clash are highly exaggerated.

  • Ketket1
    7,039 Posts
    Thu, Jan 16 2020 3:47 AM


    In response to this.....intentionally waited 5 minutes so that Penalty Box would get paired with another cc.....while waiting a challenge came in ....and it was Penalty Box again....and we had not challenged yet......and we could not refuse it because there is no way to do so ...

    90 % of this club were recruits ?  Really ?

    I only really play on mobile so I cannot say what the screen looks like on the PC Flash game for Clashes. But on mobile once your Clash is over it changes to a general Clash screen that has a button to start the process of challenging a club. If you do not press this button the game will not “look” for another club and will not pair you up with another club. As far as I know anyone in the CC can press this button to initiate the search for a club to clash with. 
    Now there is also the possibility that  both your clubs waited a few mins and just happened to get paired up again. While it would seem unlikely ... it is not impossible. 

    Also how could one club “request” or choose the club they were going to get paired with??? This is not even an option. Unless you are accusing TPB or WGT of cheating or ??? to purposely play your club a second time in a row.

    IMHO I would just chock it up to bad luck!

    Now with regards to your accusation of 90% recruits coming to the aid of TPB to battle your club .... while I’m sure this does happen on a small scale, the club you are calling out currently has 226 of its 250 available member positions filled (90%) . So your figure of 90% of players being “recruits” who leave immediately after a clash are highly exaggerated.

    The "recruit" status is more likely to do with who can use Super Passes in Clash. My guess, and only a guess, is that they restrict use of the SP to members and directors therefore anyone that they don't want to use SP they change their status to recruit before Clash. 

    I don't for one minute think the top clubs are recruiting on mass before a clash. Their membership numbers are very stable before, during and after Clash. 

  • alexmarshall53
    444 Posts
    Thu, Dec 9 2021 3:02 PM

    I got this from The Penalty Box this week and it may explain why they win all the time i.e. requiring all members to pay for and play 10 times during a Clash might just bring home a few points.  Afraid I did not accept as I play to enjoy it not adhere to a bunch of club rules. 

    "The Penalty Box

    on 05 Dec 2021 at 6:21 AM

    I’m part of the leadership team at TPB. We are a large very active club. We are the top clash club on wgt and looking to top up our membership. I noticed from your score history that you play a few ranked rounds. Is playing clash interests you?

    In the meantime, here are some features of our club

    1. We always have a number of tournaments on the go at all times. They range from mimicking PGA tournaments to celebrating our clash victories. Also run a monthly intra club tournament that you can progress up levels. We also have a weekly tournament competing against other clubs. Course selection is varied depending on what we are doing.

    2. With reference to getting your average down we always have 2 to 3 pumpers always running which are set up at shortest tees and low winds.

    3. We have set up a teaching academy that will improve your game immensely as well. We have a number of great players in the club that are willing to help you. 

    4. We have two mandatory requirements A) you need to be on the Discord app. The club uses this for communications and general discussions. Discord can be downloaded onto your PC, Tablet or phone...I have it on all 3. You need to be on Discord before the club invite is sent. B) you need to play 10 self funded rounds during the 48-hour period of clash, If you want to play more you can ask for passes from our sponsors. 

    Hope this answers your questions, again we are a large active club and as you can see very successful when it comes to clashes.

    If you are interested, please download Discord and send me a Discord friend request at 

    Listowel2018 - Jack#5738 (best to copy and paste this)

    Also, your Discord name should be the same as your WGT name."

    Just saying, Alex

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