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Re: New fonts are terrible

Mon, Feb 3 2020 9:39 AM (27 replies)
  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Wed, Jan 29 2020 9:54 PM


    I hope WGT becomes an independent corporate again or repurchased by a game company who knows how to run things.

    It's just obvious that WGT isn't in TopGolf's priority list and never will. What an epic way to ruin a great game!

    Don’t give them any idea; lest they actually sell off WGT to EA and we’ll all bleed to death by “micro-transactions”

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Thu, Jan 30 2020 9:40 AM

    While it doesn’t necessarily bother me, I can see how it would be an issue on Mobile devices (which I play) as the new font is a bit too small and could be spaced a bit more between the characters. 
    More curious as to WHY it was changed when there wasn’t really any issue with the old style?? 

  • Senga20
    3,046 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2020 6:06 AM

    Totally agree with you Fobby .. it is driving me nuts too .. and thank you for raising the issue here.  I’ve already messaged WGT with my own concerns of and sent screen shots highlighting the issues.  The text for green speed, putting distance to cup, wind, equipment selected, etc is far too small, but the kerning appears to be way out making it much less legible than it needs to be for the game to be user friendly.   There is ample space for the text to have remained as was, I see absolutely no need for the change and certainly no benefit whatsoever in its resizing, quite to the contrary in fact, it is a hindrance to the enjoyment of the game.  I have spoken to a few players who play on a phone as many do and they are frustrated and not at all happy with the text changes, stating it is now very difficult to read on same, not an enjoyable experience at all.  

    Wouldn’t it be great if players could just comment their concerns such as this on this forum without it turning into a pissing contest with the unnecessary rudeness and ridicule that inevitably ensues.  No wonder so many refrain from posting here with their concerns and suggestions for solutions to problems.  Had WGT bothered to test such pointless changes sufficiently there would surely be no necessity for comment at all.  Thank you for taking the time and caring to do so mate, much appreciated. 





  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2020 3:29 PM

    Because the geniuses at WGT didn’t think things through when they ported the mobile version to PC. The resolution that works for mobile didn’t work as well on PC screen, leading to complaints about how it looks. So they started making things smaller; unfortunately now the mobile version suffered as a result. I don’t understand why they do not have two separate resolutions for each version. Cost-cutting? Laziness? A general IDGAF attitude toward the entire mobile contingent?  

  • Miaski0
    88 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2020 5:39 PM


    Totally agree with you Fobby .. it is driving me nuts too .. and thank you for raising the issue here.  I’ve already messaged WGT with my own concerns of and sent screen shots highlighting the issues.  The text for green speed, putting distance to cup, wind, equipment selected, etc is far too small, but the kerning appears to be way out making it much less legible than it needs to be for the game to be user friendly.   There is ample space for the text to have remained as was, I see absolutely no need for the change and certainly no benefit whatsoever in its resizing, quite to the contrary in fact, it is a hindrance to the enjoyment of the game.  I have spoken to a few players who play on a phone as many do and they are frustrated and not at all happy with the text changes, stating it is now very difficult to read on same, not an enjoyable experience at all.  

    Wouldn’t it be great if players could just comment their concerns such as this on this forum without it turning into a pissing contest with the unnecessary rudeness and ridicule that inevitably ensues.  No wonder so many refrain from posting here with their concerns and suggestions for solutions to problems.  Had WGT bothered to test such pointless changes sufficiently there would surely be no necessity for comment at all.  Thank you for taking the time and caring to do so mate, much appreciated. 





    I totally agree with you. 

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sun, Feb 2 2020 5:55 PM

    Wouldn’t it be great if players could just comment their concerns such as this on this forum without it turning into a pissing contest with the unnecessary rudeness and ridicule that inevitably ensues.

    Just curious as to where you saw that taking place in this thread. Disagreeing with someone is not the same as being rude. It's just disagreement. The point of a discussion board is to offer different viewpoints.

    While I may have missed it, I don't recall anyone turning this thread into a pissing contest or anyone being unnecessarily rude. Or do you equate disagreeing with rudeness? 

    Additionally, I take it you have a similar issue with people taking shots at WGT. Or is it OK to take shots at them? 

  • Senga20
    3,046 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2020 4:52 AM


    Wouldn’t it be great if players could just comment their concerns such as this on this forum without it turning into a pissing contest with the unnecessary rudeness and ridicule that inevitably ensues.

    Just curious as to where you saw that taking place in this thread. Disagreeing with someone is not the same as being rude. It's just disagreement. The point of a discussion board is to offer different viewpoints.

    While I may have missed it, I don't recall anyone turning this thread into a pissing contest or anyone being unnecessarily rude. Or do you equate disagreeing with rudeness? 

    Additionally, I take it you have a similar issue with people taking shots at WGT. Or is it OK to take shots at them? 

    Actually Robert I didn’t say anyone had done so on this thread .... yet.  Yes, of course different viewpoints can be most beneficial in a discussion board which is what this forum is most surely intended to be.  Unfortunately, all too often what I see is ridicule, obnoxiousness and rudeness, particularly aimed at new/inexperienced players, which is unnecessarily unkind and I believe deters so many from commenting or asking advice to assist them with their game.  One can indeed choose to politely disagree with maturity .. without such differences of opinion turning into a ‘pissing contest’. 

    Far as taking shots at WGT are concerned I would expect the same level of mutual respect be afforded them, albeit that may be difficult for some with the frustrations the game can bring.  Relaying such frustrations in a polite fashion is not ‘taking a shot’ .. it is simply politely airing those frustrations with the best of intention, to help enable improvements for the benefit of all to enjoy what is essentially a bloody awesome, challenging, fun, but unfortunately sometimes far from perfectly operating, game.  



  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2020 9:39 AM


    Actually Robert I didn’t say anyone had done so on this thread.... yet

    While that is correct that you didn't, one does wonder why you would insert the comment into a discussion that was fairly civil. In other words, I"m not sure what the point is or how it advances the topic under discussion.



    Relaying such frustrations in a polite fashion is not ‘taking a shot’ 

    And I didn't suggest relaying frustration in a polite manner is taking a shot. But in this thread, a bit more than that went on with respect to comments directed at WGT. And I replied to you because I didn't see (and still don't see) you taking exception with that aspect.