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Re: *** Downtime tonight 4/15/20 ***

Sat, May 9 2020 4:13 PM (58 replies)
  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2020 7:19 AM


    Can't play any tournaments from Club Tourney page, even if you have already entered them. Have to manually open the game client and play from there.

    Can't play single hole the traditional way from the WGT course list. Keep getting unexpected error.



    I had same issues early on with Opera Browser for Linux, Something has changed as now I can do the One hole from course list and I can now open/play tourney from club page-

    IF my game client is not open...If I already have client open then play now from club page or play one hole don't do anything.

    I hate to say it but Updating Maxthon may end up being only way to resolve this.

  • twinponds169
    3,050 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2020 10:12 PM

    Have noticed another change/glitch. Wind and green speeds are no longer showing up in the preview box to the right of the RG list in tournaments. They all show the same generic explanation of what a Ready Go is.

    I prefer to not dive in kamikaze style to a ready go myself. If I go on mobile (which I only use for vids) all of the ready go's have wind and green speeds listed, so why have they been replaced with a whole lot of nothing here on desktop? Just another one of those nudges toward the arcade or retirement?

    With all of the change/glitches reported here, most of them driving our hard working and devoted club owners to excessive pharmaceutical use, you would think that WGT would at least show up here and acknowledge or explain things.

    BUT, the new Flagstick on Planet Tron logo is up and working and the kids freaking love it, so not a single peep in an entire week since the clowntime downtime was announced.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Wed, Apr 22 2020 1:53 AM

    BUT, the new Flagstick on Planet Tron logo is up and working and the kids freaking love it, so not a single peep in an entire week since the clowntime downtime was announced.

    All the usual rg information is there for me on flash.

    If you want a question answered by a mod try asking in steam (or get someone else to ask there), Champ and Mel are very active there. 

  • twinponds169
    3,050 Posts
    Wed, Apr 22 2020 8:18 AM

    Thanks Dodgy, last night was the first time since the update that I went and had a look at RG's. No course conditions on any of them. After seeing your reply this morning I go and have a look again and Voila!. They are all there as normal. Weird.

    Oh well, felt good to unload a little mini rant anyways, lmao.

  • PI61
    1,657 Posts
    Thu, May 7 2020 9:59 AM

    Thanks Scott, I'll give it a try.

  • ScottHope
    10,575 Posts
    Thu, May 7 2020 10:35 AM

    Okay bud thanks, sorry for deleting my previous post but I thought I was replying to an outdated thread. Senior moment, lol.

  • Bowl64
    3,121 Posts
    Sat, May 9 2020 10:42 AM

    Had a message on my wall today from Varun, he is still having great problems logging in on the startpage. That`s exactly what happened to me but the Brave browser works on my PC, but apparently not for V.

    ""Downtime screwed up to rocket high"

    Hi Bud

    After downtime you also have the WGT TOPGOLF homepage screwed up?

    After I log in, it asks me, if I wana continue using Facebook or n when I click, it goes offline. The only way to dodge this is by ignoring the two options which then wont allow me to see any of my friends updates, online friends list on the left n monthly career earnings. Thereafter I click my profile page to continue using the website, forums etc and are working. Again when I click forum, the annoying message pops up n no way to remove it permanently. 

    If I wana play or see who all are online, I have to run game client. No more seeing up using the .com facility.

    I been emailing CS for the last 7 days and of course they have no clue. 

    For a while Chrome n Max was working.. then it also went offline. I have tried Safari, Max, Chrome, Vivaldi, brave, Edge. All fekked!!!!

    Let me know if u have any solution. What a fek up bro!!!!!"



    6,890 Posts
    Sat, May 9 2020 2:59 PM

    Yeah mad problems all of a sudden my Buddy JPost cant get on and its Definitely  an issue with his WGT account... It even somehow crashed his Laptop so he went and bought a brand  new All-in-one HP and nada,nothing same BS issue!  Finally for some reason he decided to try to log on thru Facebook and boom he somehow got on....But as we know Facebook log in "Stinks" (You lose a lot of options in the game) So he's basically scr*wed now lol...

  • Bowl64
    3,121 Posts
    Sat, May 9 2020 4:13 PM

    That just sounds crazy, amd it is! How in the mf hell can WGT torpedo it`s users this way? Fix it WGT, now please!

