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Re: country club clashes

rated by 0 users
Tue, Apr 21 2020 9:16 AM (5 replies)
  • harpomaxx
    57 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2020 4:54 PM

    Where is it written that a 12 member club with one TL me and everyone else is well below that take on a club with three tour champions.  Really sounds like WGT wants us all to buy passes just to keep up.  This is why I dont participate just stop inviting my club to play these take us off your list.  None of my 12 members give a rats ass about your CC clashes if you keep putting us in an impossible win situation. Thanks Harpo

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Fri, Apr 17 2020 3:19 PM

    It's not written anywhere.

    If you don't want to play the CC clashes, then don't.  Pretty simple.

    Enjoy your game.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Apr 17 2020 9:43 PM

    Really sounds like WGT wants us all to buy passes just to keep up.
    There's some truth in this - /methinks that's all they want.

    420 Posts
    Mon, Apr 20 2020 8:59 AM

    This is an issue that comes up often. You'll have to take the good with the bad. We sometimes get matched against clubs full of Champs and Tour Champs then the next game is against a club with lower tiered players where only 1 player gets involved. 

    The main cause of this would be that there are not as many CCs waiting for a challenger as you would think. WGT only displays the top 200 clubs on the leader board. I doubt there is many more than that who are actually actively playing throughout the 48 hours.

    Each match takes 240 minutes to play out. If a club takes 2-3 minutes on average to get matched with an opponent, then only about 1% of entire clash time is spent waiting for an opponent. If only a few hundred clubs are actively playing then there will be a relatively small number of clubs waiting for a match (save for the very beginning of the clash). 

    There will be many clubs similar in ability to yours. Unfortunately, you'll have to play against one of the small amount that are in the pool waiting to play.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Apr 20 2020 10:21 AM

    There are a lot more. Lately, during the first hours of the Clash, we were about 2,000th with some 2,000 points, we weren't the last ones, I guess. I'll have to look for it during the first match...

    Still, there may be no "fitting" club available.

    Also, the CCs' size is much less relevant than the number of contributors. We are almost 190 but only 10 play, only with free passes + Superpasses.

    Usually, I'm quite reluctant towards the Clashes, but since the lockdown in Germany, I have been playing in each of them and /methinks that one matching criterion may be the ratio of wins and losses - that seemed similar between the CCs in a few matches.

    OTOH, we have been matched up against The Georgian once...

  • harpomaxx
    57 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2020 9:16 AM

    Thank you all for your imput.  Im not restricting membership to only those who play in clashes.  Some older players like the desktop we have two of those.  We just want to be left alone on clashes and cc events I dont see the point.  If you want to play its much better with a friend who chats with you.