well, we have heard that there where discutions regarding that WGTpoT is using to much space inside the forum for our tournaments.
the issue is that at the momentt this is the only possibility to reach the community.
In over 90 % of the opened topics for one new tournament u will see that the replies are mostly 0.
The reason is because we tell our players to have communication via messages or wall post, and also to post the results to our guestbook. After the announcemet we try to handle the rest through our homepage and not over the WGT forum as usual.
Generaly other tournaments has at least 50 or sometimes over 200 replies ! Imagine this happens with WGTpoT tourneys :)
We usualy need 3. One to announce the tourney, one to announce the start, and one to announce the winner. (in the past we open a new for the winner, but we will change that)
The reason why you see much topics of WGTpot is because we have at least 3 new tourneys a week.
But we are sure as soon as we have new possibilities from WGT side we can improve that.
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