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Re: Tier Progression

Sun, Jun 4 2023 5:55 PM (103 replies)
  • AnaNikolaj
    639 Posts
    Sun, Jun 4 2023 11:13 AM


    OK… Trying to figure out what’s going on here. When I advanced to TL I saved to a file for reference how many ranked rounds I had played. I have played 755 ranked rounds since advancement. My average score is under 59. But no advancement to C yet. Anybody else experience this?

    You realise that the par 3 course, par 5 course, Bandon dunes or any custom course don't count towards the 750 required, even though they do count as ranked rounds? 

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Jun 4 2023 12:23 PM

    ?? where m I lacking

    It's probably that old chestnut error 00071 ;-)

    If you are asking why you're not Tour Master yet, you need to get your average down to 63.  

  • EyeKnowRight
    2 Posts
    Sun, Jun 4 2023 12:43 PM

    Ah. I did not. I thought only the games that counted toward your average were “ranked rounds.” Thanks for clearing that up. Looks like I’ve got a little while left to go on the tier advancement.