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Re: Imma gonna vent a little

Thu, Oct 1 2020 6:51 AM (27 replies)
  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Wed, Aug 12 2020 12:29 PM

    They can do whatever they want. Remember they’re playing this game for their own pleasure not yours. I play pretty fast, but sometimes I play slow when I’m browsing. Opponents ask why I play slow, I say either you play or game, my time, my way. I don’t care what they do as long as it’s within the rules. Learn to adapt to different situations.

  • Whammo00
    11 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2020 3:00 PM

    pdiehm, you seem like a very nice, helpful and knowledgeable guy. I have a post about iron set in Avitars and Equipment that no one will answer. I wonder if it would be asking too much for you to have a look? Thanks,




  • pdiehm
    304 Posts
    Mon, Sep 14 2020 10:39 AM

    i don't check the forums that often.  what is the link?

    406 Posts
    Tue, Sep 29 2020 1:16 PM

    I am also confused as to why people forfeit. If it is because of sponsor time, they have lost time for nothing. Even if you have lost the game, you still get a one or two point bump on an apparel item.   I have had people forfeit before the first stroke is taken how dumb is that??

    Since these coin games are not ranked rounds, it really makes no sense at all. At least not to me. I would rather go to the finish and get one or two apparel points than waste that time and get nothing.

    At the end of the day, this is just a game and amusement is the reason we should be playing.


  • TimK560
    45 Posts
    Wed, Sep 30 2020 2:29 PM

    All kinds of reasons people forfiet. Some people do not care about the clothing. It happens more in a three hole match, then a nine. It is pretty hard to recover from a bogey or two in three holes. Yes, you can come back but it is rare. The coins a farly useless, so that isn't a motivation to stay. Some people care more about saving the hits on the ball. Some people have something come up and have to leave. 

    At the end of the day, who cares. Take your win and move on. I'm ok if people quit. Just don't leave me hanging there wondering for two minutes what happened to you. 

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Sep 30 2020 8:03 PM


    i don't check the forums that often.  what is the link?


  • MCalderon402
    348 Posts
    Thu, Oct 1 2020 4:26 AM

    Maybe if he is level 104 can be different things. Person may not want to spend on equipment, is old and can’t play and hit the ball with the ding to make it go where he wants, mostly plays coins and rarely any ranked rounds which speed ip the process. 

     if someone forfeits saves you time, ball hits, 90k room for Turf Wars is pretty sad if you play any club that participates. 

    end of the day let it go, its a game. Many people who used to play a lot of coin games in the past don’t play so much now. Its lost its appeal as prizes suck. You waste passes in turf war to get a super pass for clash.  In clash a super pass is pretty meaningless as the only good prize is top spot. The passes wasted playing by a club can pretty much be put into a club competition and given much netter prizes. Clash is also designed not for skilled plaza but for clubs at close to full capacity who have time to play regardless of their skills. So a small group that plays better will always lose to a club with people hacking around. 

    better to spend your time making bets with friends, playing for a sleeve or two, but if you go into a coin room you aren’t guaranteed who you play and how they act.

    enjoy life worry less about avatars you are playing on the screen. If they forfeit you should be happy. Spend time doing anything else :)  

  • MCalderon402
    348 Posts
    Thu, Oct 1 2020 6:51 AM


    They can do whatever they want. Remember they’re playing this game for their own pleasure not yours. I play pretty fast, but sometimes I play slow when I’m browsing. Opponents ask why I play slow, I say either you play or game, my time, my way. I don’t care what they do as long as it’s within the rules. Learn to adapt to different situations.
