JSmithers: I know this has been addressed previously but I had multiple players forfeit on the last putt and it froze my game.
I can imagine the frustration...
I will say, it is hard to know or tell, if some of these problems are glitches / bugs - or something players are doing on their end to cause further problems that WGT is unable to resolve themselves. As noted above - some players may be trying to do just that but I hadn't seen that particular post, but lets hope not. I have always suspected some were doing it intentionally.
I believe WGT attempted to provide the fix where you are suppose to be able to complete your holes - or it restarts your 3 holes without awarding you bogies - but as you point out you may not get the same winds / green speeds and where you had eagle opportunities before you grind out birdies.
That said, I don't know if it will work the same way in the showdown. However, when this happens in regular coin games and I have encountered players or possible WGT accidental "spin cycle" where the game won't restart - one way of trying to prompt the game back into playing is to try and access the game from another device.
If you are playing on EA version then use a phone or tablet and open WGT, when you notice the timer come back close WGT on the 2nd device down to resume the game you were already playing... Doing this often seems to break the spin cycle and forces the game to time the other player out or make them play the round or forfeit the round correctly.
Either way, it could be an option to avoid losing the holes you already played and break the "froze" or "indefinite spin cycle".