Hi all,
I play the mobile game in a country club mostly in RIO for "Call to Arms" and "TurfWar" games.
The average number of players shown as active in RIO ranges from 120 - 160 during daytime MST down to 14 to 20 by 1am 2am MST.
Today after the 6/9 - 6/10/20 overnight wgt maintenance & "minor" system updates the number of players shown active on RIO has ROCKETED UP TO 1,250 TO 1,490 at now approx. 6:45pm MST 6/10/20.
DOES ANYONE KNOW A WGT person here in the forums who knows if the pervious number were WAAY Low or if the current numbers are 100 times or 1,000 % to high???
Anyone have a reason or explanation for HUGE change in numbers playing at any given time?