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Re: Tournament Using All WGT Starter Equipment

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Fri, Jun 12 2020 9:23 AM (5 replies)
  • FredMotz
    1 Posts
    Thu, Jun 11 2020 7:10 AM

    Tournament Using All WGT Starter Equipment 

    I'm not sure if this has been suggested before but it would be interesting to have tournaments that require participants to use only starter clubs and balls. I understand that WGT has to make revenues for equipment sales but entry fees could be collected to offset the operational cost or maybe WGT could get sponsors.   

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Jun 11 2020 2:40 PM

    There has (have?) been a community tournament for Starter clubs + balls. Play was in pairs, you had to provide some screen shots as a proof for the equipment, and it went over quite a few rounds.

    Try "March Madness" in 2013(?)

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Jun 11 2020 2:47 PM

    Try "March Madness" in 2013(?)

    There was that best ball event and various versions of "Tough it out"

    I think all were uel as well as starters. 

    Best search would probably be "Corwyn", he organised that stuff.

  • Nicole161106
    281 Posts
    Fri, Jun 12 2020 3:11 AM

    The Tough it Out was a great idea in principle but was doomed as  WGT gained no revenue from it whatsoever. Players started reporting that they had clubs other than starters in their bag, (either bad programming or a deliberate mistake by WGT)  so then you had to take multiple screenshots to validate your score, which was taking about a full forum page for each player to show all these pictures, just to win a sleeve of balls or something.

    The idea was sound though, giving all players an equal chance, though the cream rose to the top anyway, as you would expect, as the top players can adapt to any conditions.

    I agree it could work if there was an entry fee, although there would always be a nagging suspicion as to whether all players had been equipped with just starters or not.

    WGT seem to have no imagination when it comes to creating innovation and encouraging sales and revenue though. Take for example the clubs set up, why can't you change your 3 iron for a hybrid? why not take out the PW and change it for the 52 deg MD?  how many would would do that and look at the sales increase it would generate. Also, why have to carry 14 clubs? Carry as few clubs as you want, then set up extra tournaments, such as a 3,4,5. club challenge etc. the possibilities are endless and all great for generating revenue.



  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Fri, Jun 12 2020 3:34 AM

    The Tough it Out was a great idea in principle but was doomed as  WGT gained no revenue from it whatsoever.

    My memory of it is wgt had nothing to do with it and it lasted a few seasons, I think it was all too much work for the time Corwyn had.  He also did the uel Ryder Cup and March Madness, as well as using starters to score under par at all courses. I notice he's back with a new challenge for himself  :-))

    I'd agree all the screenshots would be a pain but there are other possibilities, a couple would be: There are more streaming these days it could be only for them, or let two play it together and a non-streamer can join someone that does.  Make it MP with leagues then ko rounds.

    Or simply wgt could have a rg, like sotw, with starters as they get 20% of entries there. Mind you they'd probably make it 500cr entry and then cancel it when it filled slowly.

    I think it's even a very short term view that a free to play starter tournament doesn't create income for wgt.  If it creates interest, enjoyment, and keeps people playing and talking about  this game it would be worth investing in. 

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, Jun 12 2020 9:23 AM


    The Tough it Out was a great idea in principle but was doomed as  WGT gained no revenue from it whatsoever.

    My memory of it is wgt had nothing to do with it and it lasted a few seasons, I think it was all too much work for the time Corwyn had.  He also did the uel Ryder Cup and March Madness, as well as using starters to score under par at all courses. I notice he's back with a new challenge for himself  :-))

    I'd agree all the screenshots would be a pain but there are other possibilities, a couple would be: There are more streaming these days it could be only for them, or let two play it together and a non-streamer can join someone that does.  Make it MP with leagues then ko rounds.

    Or simply wgt could have a rg, like sotw, with starters as they get 20% of entries there. Mind you they'd probably make it 500cr entry and then cancel it when it filled slowly.

    I think it's even a very short term view that a free to play starter tournament doesn't create income for wgt.  If it creates interest, enjoyment, and keeps people playing and talking about  this game it would be worth investing in. 

    I also noticed Corwyn back in the game. He and I started the TIO tourneys with starter clubs because we felt it was the best way to entice others to try UEL. The idea was to learn UEL we all needed to go back to our beginnings with the basic clubs where course management was key. We would practice together and tell each other what club and aim point we were using. I think we both learned UEL twice as fast as a result. Was loads of fun and great for actually learning course design. 

    WGT could easily have SOTW tourneys with the starter gear.


    ~CD ~