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Re: Yardage changes on clubs

Thu, Dec 1 2022 9:28 AM (28 replies)
  • daklobo62
    3 Posts
    Sat, Feb 19 2022 5:38 AM

    I have contacted them about my club yardage reducing. Usually during a tourney or the Showdowns and their response was that they will look into it, but never heard back from them...... Like my driver distance with my apparel upgrades is 297 and was in my 13-15 stage of my showdown this morning and it was knocked down to 285????


  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Sun, Feb 20 2022 8:12 PM

    Like my driver distance with my apparel upgrades is 297 and was in my 13-15 stage of my showdown this morning and it was knocked down to 285????

    Just a display bug. the boosts are still in effect.

    happens to everyone sooner or later.

  • tramilleo
    1,909 Posts
    Mon, Feb 21 2022 7:53 AM

    My observations :  when you play others using apparel, certain combinations of clothes nullifies the effect of others, when i play someone wearing max clothes my swing edge inspired 312 drops to 309, 308 etc, so it is the combo of clothes that change yardages

  • RobHon
    91 Posts
    Wed, Feb 23 2022 1:09 AM

    Having seen this bug quite a few times I agree with Mythanatos. 

    It’s purely a display bug. The normal attributes are still in effect and the ball flies it’s normal distance.

    I believe the bug is more likely to occur if you check out an opponents’ apparel during a coin game. It sometimes shows THEIR distances and not yours which is annoying but can be ignored safely. It did happen to me in clash once too, which is single player play so there must be another cause not related to checking out an opponent, but that seems infrequent.

    Hope that helps!



  • HamdenPro
    2,522 Posts
    Wed, Feb 23 2022 11:03 AM


    Having seen this bug quite a few times I agree with Mythanatos. 

    It’s purely a display bug. The normal attributes are still in effect and the ball flies it’s normal distance.

    I believe the bug is more likely to occur if you check out an opponents’ apparel during a coin game

    Agreed 100%. Meter shows different distance, but club distance does not change.

    Further, if you are playing a game and click on the left menu, to check out if friends or on, or to go to settings, when you close the menu, sometimes the chat function does not work.

    It seems that these are just bugs that effect the meter display, or chat functions, when "multi-tasking" during play.


  • kingbohicakmb
    3 Posts
    Thu, Dec 1 2022 9:28 AM

    It is very notisable. Sometimes it's gone on some holes and not the others!