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Re: Showdown Conundrum

rated by 0 users
Mon, Aug 17 2020 8:59 AM (6 replies)
  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Mon, Jul 27 2020 1:05 PM

    About the second chance entry in the expert division , Why do they charge another 1000 credits if the prize pool remains the same ?  There were only 76 players in my division so the cut line was at 38 , There should have been 100 and the cut line should have been at 50 . I wonder how many divisions were short like that ?  

    How many hundreds of people spent another 1000 credits ?  In the elimination round the cut line was at 30 , I shot a -13 and that was not even close to qualify .  It looks like it's engineered to get people to spend another 1000 credits tp play , Without adding anything to the prize pool . I know a few people who spent 20 bucks and did not make it to the final round . 

    The rookie and veteran division is not a concern because it's only a few credits , However I think if they charge for a rebuy then the extra credits should be added to the prize pool . 

    Are the rooms kept short on purpose so only 38 people qualify ? Hmmm  

    I would not spend another 1000 credits to rebuy if I were you . 

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Mon, Jul 27 2020 2:32 PM

    expert is down to less than 100 total competitors.

    When it started there was around 300 maybe more.

    it's something that several people including me having been predicting.

    The entry fee is 1k and the top prize is 10k. 10x.

    the entry fee in veteran is 100 and the top prize is 2500. 25x

    As the people have shrank it gets harder to make the cut which is the point of your post.

    So people leave to other rooms.

    The veteran ball reward is closer to what i think the majority of players play with normally. very few people play with the high end titlists for various reasons.

    Then there is the very real risk of still getting jacked with 3 bogeys when someone forfeits on you. 

    Most of us don't care about risking 100cr on that bogey bug. But we do about 1000. 


    If they made the prize pool commensurate with the veteran and made top prize 25k I'm sure that would be enough incentive for more people to take a stab at it in expert.

  • CaverNolema
    10 Posts
    Tue, Jul 28 2020 7:41 AM

      A lot of expert and veteren players are participating in the rookie division for various reasons.

    As for the rookie division I was unable to finish my qualifying round the other day, and didn't know I would be able to do it with a 2nd group 2 days later. 

    I was not charged extra, so that apparently doesn't happen in that division. 

    I am curious about the forfeit bogey thing, though. Every time I've had an opponent forfeit I've been allowed to play the 3 holes alone.

    I wonder if it's a rookie thing, or a mobile thing, maybe .

    I always play on my phone.

  • BPeterson8256
    2,929 Posts
    Tue, Jul 28 2020 10:05 AM


    If they made the prize pool commensurate with the veteran and made top prize 25k I'm sure that would be enough incentive for more people to take a stab at it in expert.


  • Connorjwebb123
    455 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2020 11:17 AM


    If they made the prize pool commensurate with the veteran and made top prize 25k I'm sure that would be enough incentive for more people to take a stab at it in expert.


    +2 !!
  • CaverNolema
    10 Posts
    Sat, Aug 15 2020 3:23 PM

    The virtual prize pool is so great in the rookie division a level 120 tour champion with a 57 scoring average...89% driving accuracy with a high of 420+.....only 285 bogeys in over 2600 ranked rounds....17 holes in one....etc. etc. Struggled to a 14 under 58. So far that's 8 strokes better than a level 104 legend with a 66 scoring average.

    I sound like a broken record, but it would be great if WGT would place players in divisions. 

    And I won't ever understand why players even desire to sandbag so severely for a few balls, credit, and virtual clothing..

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Mon, Aug 17 2020 8:59 AM

    So far that's 8 strokes better than a level 104 legend with a 66 scoring average.


    First. scoring average is a fairly worthless stat. It means nothing in regards to skill level unless you know that the person you're comparing yourself to plays the same type of tourneys you do. Same % of easy tee tourneys.. same % of WGT tough condition tourneys. etc etc.

    also... i could very well ask what a level 104 legend is doing in the rookie division as well. 

    third... he did struggle if he only shot a 14 under. that wouldn't even make the top 10 in the veteran division i played in. 

    and as i said... more would play in expert if it was worth it. It just isn't.