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Re: Approach grid

Fri, Dec 4 2020 9:53 AM (5 replies)
  • borntobesting
    9,743 Posts
    Wed, Sep 2 2020 12:33 AM

    A question for PCEA and steam players. In the flash game when you select chip or pitch each box of the grid is 2 feet and the entire grid is 26 feet wide. That doesn't appear to be the case for PCEA and Steam. What size do you use for each box in the grid?



  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Wed, Sep 2 2020 6:57 AM

    Andrew's (Lizard69) been working on figuring that out for a few days (PCEA). It's not linear like flash. Almost as if there are several sizes to the grids depending on the distance to the hole. 

    I think it's driving him crazy, lol


  • borntobesting
    9,743 Posts
    Wed, Sep 2 2020 7:36 AM

    Thanks Jay

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Wed, Sep 2 2020 8:08 AM

    The quickest way to verify the grid dimensions would be to just move the grid front to back and see the difference in hole distance. 

  • Jimac55
    88 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2020 2:03 PM

    For the pitch grid I find each individual box to be 2 ft per side and the entire grid is 10yds per side and approx 14 yds on the diagonal.

    The approach grid is a different story the boxes are 3 yards wide, I know they don't look it, 9 boxes a side making 27 yards across and 38 approx on the diagonal.

    The problem with the full shot approach grid is your marker does stay in the centre when you move it depending on the topography of the green. It's ok if the green is flat, it stays centred but on a slopey green you need to be careful if your using it to measure. The grid it's self is correct but your marker will be pulled off from the centre.

    This is what I believe is happening, I'd be grateful for some confirmation

    Edit:  The approach grid does not remain accurate it wraps itself around the topography and gets distorted. I think the pitch grid does the same but it's less noticeable.


  • colzy66
    13 Posts
    Fri, Dec 4 2020 9:53 AM

    Thanks for the tip Jimac55. I was struggling to learn what size the approach grid boxes size was when allowing for the wind.
