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Re: Wind Issue/Question

rated by 0 users
Mon, Sep 21 2020 5:46 PM (1 replies)
  • Cicero733
    2,318 Posts
    Mon, Sep 21 2020 11:31 AM

    I am a mobile player and have started to experience a consistent issue with low winds, 12 mph or less. Generally, these winds have had little to no effect on my shots (discounting RSA, RSG, CB). However, now they have for the past 4 weeks or so started to have significant effect. Two examples from today, both at BPB. A 42 yd punch shot into a 7 mph headwind (shot was hit for 42 yds + 1 yd for the wind effect) came up 3 yds short. A 141 yd approach shot into a 9 mph headwind (shot was hit 141 yds plus 4 yds for wind effect) came up 7 yds short. Conversely, tailwinds are having huge effects. A 56 degree wedge hit for maximum distance (103 yds) is going 120 yds or more in a 10 mph tailwind. Crosswinds are unpredictable as if they were random. A 100 yd pitch moves 0 yds laterally on one shot, replay the shot and it moves 12 yards laterally. I realize there are numerous variables other than the wind that could cause this, however as this is happening consistently, I’m wondering if there are any suggestions or tips anyone can offer.

    Additionally and in the same vein, low tailwinds are having a major impact on shots hit with FBS, like adding 10 or more yds. I hit a PW FBS for a calculated distance of 110 yds with a 9 - 11 mph tail wind and the ball carried over 124 yds. Any suggestions or mathematical calculations that might address this?

    Again discounting the 3 courses mentioned above, this wind issue is occurring on all remaining courses especially, OLY, OAK, and Merion. 

    I already have a “wind chart” and calculations that adequately help me manage winds. But recently, all the calculations I have for low winds no longer work. Have wind effects become randomized?

  • BigJohn14520
    128 Posts
    Mon, Sep 21 2020 5:46 PM

    I agree.  I've encountered the same abnormalities.  Not sure what has changed.  Especially with my wedges. I'll his a 75 yard shot and it carries 93 yards.  In other words I have little confidence in my shots.