I've always incorporated my notes in the spreadsheet I made. Never felt the need of notebook embedded in the game.
Oops... Sorry, WGT. I guess I'm not helping your bidness. 😜
That the kind of thing that some desktop players are going to find harder to use next year though once they finally migrate to PCEA. For those that don't have a second monitor or who haven't got their resolution worked out to make the taskbar visible, having an external notes program open won't help them in the way that the in-game version will.
if you have windows 10 you don't need a second monitor. You can have quite a few virtual desktops and cycle through them as you play. I have 3 desktops active when I play.. Simply hit the windows key and tab at the same time and make a new virtual desktop, I'm not sure if there is a limit to how many you can create. But I made 2. 2 virtual desktops and the normal one for playing. The other 2 are for Young46's putting calculator, Kat's wind calculator and Walk0flife's 50 yard punch spreadsheet. So I guess I could make a 4th for the web version of the course note book until they bring it to PCEA,