AnaNikolaj: it can go the other way as well. Imagine a good player getting a set on Wolfie with a couple of par 5s and a reachable par 4 and plays it in low wind and slow-ish greens and easier pins. And another less skilled player gets the same 3 holes, but with heavy head wind, faster greens and the more difficult pins. Could happen just as easy as your version. Doesn't really seem fair, right?
I did make reference to the fact (in brackets) that the better player could also get the better conditions. lets be honest though, having random conditions is in the poorer players favour. With similar conditions the better player will usually win, if random conditions favour the better player this becomes a bit more certain, but if the conditions you describe went in the poorer players favour it would get interesting. The more conditions vary the better chance the poorer player has.
If I played like Mags I wouldn't like this, but as it is I wouldn't mind seeing it in competitions I was in (I've not played in the showdown). Maybe not the VUSO etc though.
I'm not sure that random conditions wouldn't be fair, they'd just be random. I can though imagine the conspiracy theories that would come out of them and it'd maybe be worth it for that alone.
It would seem reasonable that you know the possible variations, between you and other players, before you play.