phipster: 3. Xander boasts four legal nationalities. He has German and French from his father’s side, Taiwanese from his mother’s, and American from both sides as well. (That's a real mixture!)
The misuse or abuse of the term nationality, ethnicity, and racial groups, not to mention citizenship, is continues to be beyond repair.
Xander's father is French German ethnicity, therefore Caucasian, and naturalized American citizen. Mom is from Taiwan, so ethnic Chinese to Americans but the Taiwanese identify ethnically separately and is complicated), also naturalized citizen. So he is an Asian-American... lots of them. Born in the US. So his citizenship/nationality is American.
There are no 4 legal nationalities or citizenships in this case. As far as I know, rights of return are not recognized in all 5 countries mentioned above unless both parents clearly qualify.
Maybe, if he cared, Xander could sneak in on some legal technicality into another country's citizenship, but he is just an American which is how I suspect he wants it.