How many times do we have to post about this issue before anything gets done by it? Happened again, i change from pitch shot to full swing, 38 yards from pin. \when full swing is selected i have 80 yard wedge in hand. I change to 60 yard wedge, see it in hand, take the right amount of power then strike ball. When shot screen is shown, my ball fly's 80 yards into deep rough behind pin. (see replay) (this in itself is strange because i gave 60 yard wedge 3/4 power (enough for 38 yards) but if it was 80 yard wedge, 3/4 power wouldn't be enough to take it 80 yards!!)
The damn caddy has done it again, forgot to use the actual club i had selected, or not registered the club change. A perfectly decent ready go has now been changed to a mediocre or a LOSS ready go in one damn caddy mess up. There's been plenty mentioning this, so why has nothing been attempted to rectify it yet, its been months?? To busy counting the $50, $100 & $250 you make from every newly introduced expensive ready go. (and before anyone mentions we can make money from it too, our winnings come from each