BPeterson8256:Are you sure you are not saturated? I did not do the math, but glancing at all the scores in your score history, it looks to me like your average is well below what it would be if you were not saturated.
Either that or the earlier answer are going to be the truth of it. Has your average gone up recently? If it has you're correct in that you're not saturated.
If you are saturated there are only a couple of 29's (58) that would have had any even vaguely noticeable effect on your average and even that is marginal. The problem is an average based on 1,000 rounds is hard to change.
Your average is 62.20 so includes 62,200 strokes if a 58 replaces a 65 it then includes 62,193 strokes and would be 62.193. You need a few sub 30/60's and then you should see a small change. You'd need to drop 200 strokes just to get your average to 62 and 7,200 to reach TC, it really is brutal.