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Re: Promotion to Master without playing ranked rounds.

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Wed, Sep 1 2021 8:46 PM (4 replies)
  • gndawson
    1 Posts
    Sun, Mar 14 2021 4:53 AM

    Can someone please explain how WGT decided to just promote me to Master without playing ranked rounds since reaching Tour Pro. Just played a level 85 Tour Pro with the same driver as me and got my ass kicked, it was a 2.5k gamble 9 hole round. 

  • TopShelf2010
    10,965 Posts
    Sun, Mar 14 2021 9:18 AM


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sun, Mar 14 2021 10:57 AM

    Can someone please explain how WGT decided to just promote me to Master without playing ranked rounds since reaching Tour Pro.
    Congrats! Only WGT can explain this.

    It happened on March 05 - did it by any chance coincide with your L85?
    That might give a hint to the mechanics...

  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Sun, Mar 14 2021 11:44 AM

    WGT needed a way to tier up players who only play in the h2h games that don’t count as a ranked round. Although no one other than WGT knows the correct procedure for that many of us speculate that the more games you win in the h2h games, WGT takes notice and will tier you up when they feel it’s needed.


    I would imagine they made that system to move people up with a lot of experience, and playing time to a more appropriate skill level of playing field.


    But like others have said, only WGT knows how, why, and when you will progress in tiers playing in the non-ranked rounds.

  • CrazyJoeBonano1
    117 Posts
    Wed, Sep 1 2021 8:46 PM

    For my two cent's worth..and this is a generalization, and NOT directed at YOU specifically:

    As a guy who plays ranked rounds, club tournaments and h2h games, it's infuriating to run into someone with great gear, obvious skill, VERY low level and VERY low tier.  It's essentially unfair to people who play all facets of the game, because at Hack and Amateur tiers, the game is stupidly easy and the holes are very someone with great gear and skill hits the equivalent of a 400 yard drive on each hole to a green with very little break and a hole the size of a basketball.

    I quit playing for a couple of years and came back with a new account and I literally destroyed everyone I played in h2h for a couple of weeks, but because I play ranked rounds, I tiered up to Tour Pro in about two weeks, so that domination was short-lived.

    If you could play with skill and gear and Amateur Tier for years and never tier up, that would just be sanctioned sandbagging.

    At least that's how it seems from observing that aspect of h2h games.  I have NO idea how the game determines when people who play only h2h tier up, but I'm glad that it DOES.