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Re: Unfair competition

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jun 1 2021 10:22 AM (4 replies)
  • OldGuyszRule0
    1 Posts
    Tue, Jun 1 2021 3:04 AM

    I know chatting to some of you ,that there are many failings in this app.

    My biggest bugbear is unfair competition/ dare I say cheating.

    Yesterday I activated our latest turf war ,while it was finding an opponent I played one one game .On return to the turf war the opposition had already posted over 4 million, we are a small low level club average score 1000,we lost to 22.4 million how can this be fun.


    How do players have - 15 in a showdown nine holes.


    Something needs to be done

  • TopShelf2010
    10,965 Posts
    Tue, Jun 1 2021 9:10 AM


  • bossbird
    2,242 Posts
    Tue, Jun 1 2021 10:00 AM


    I know chatting to some of you ,that there are many failings in this app.

    My biggest bugbear is unfair competition/ dare I say cheating.

    Yesterday I activated our latest turf war ,while it was finding an opponent I played one one game .On return to the turf war the opposition had already posted over 4 million, we are a small low level club average score 1000,we lost to 22.4 million how can this be fun.


    How do players have - 15 in a showdown nine holes.


    Something needs to be done

    I understand you ! I am owner of a level 8 club , two players including me , just been matched against the Georgian level 21. 
    I used to get very upset with this , now I don’t because I know what we can and can’t compete in or against. It’s like life , you need to know your own limitations in order to be fulfilled. I stopped worrying about competing with big club , I know we can’t. So we sit it out and try again. Infact , we don’t even need extra super passes to finish in top 100 in clash because we play smart , !

    learn your own levels and stop worrying about the others , do your own thing and work together within your club , you can suceed.


  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Jun 1 2021 10:22 AM

    Size of the club is kind of part of success in TWs but not in a hugely direct way. Certainly not as important as it is in clashes.

    Turf Wars are about volume of coins won.

    Bellagio bet is 2.5 million. Depending on coin apparel bonuses this is going to be interpreted by the game as anywhere between a 4.5 million win to 5.2 million win.

    So really the key to Turf wars is having more people that play Bellagio than your team. It's impossible to play enough to beat a club if they have even one Bellagio player. I've been in two clubs that don't really care about Turf Wars and as just a solo Bellagio player i can burn 4 passes and  usually win 3-4 of them so that's 15-20 million. Just me.


    One Bellagio player can win 2/3 of the Turf wars out there by himself. More if he/she just wants to burn the credits on passes. 

    If you want to win TWs then be strategic. Build up a coin roll and start playing Bellagio.