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Re: Trade-in values?

Sun, Dec 13 2009 1:02 PM (26 replies)
  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2009 6:05 AM


    If there's a reason for depreciation, it makes sense. This is electronic equipment. There's no depreciation.

    One other thing to note here is, although there is no 'physical' depreciation, there is however a window of benefit derived from any purchase of 'virtual' equipment.  While you have the clubs, you benefit from them, increasing (or possibly decreasing) your entertainment level in the game.  You may score better in a tournament,  or just kick a certain persons *** for credits.  But the end result is that you've paid for and used the merchandise for the express purpose of trying to increase your "entertainment experience" here.  The most unfortunate part is in fact the inability to "test drive" the equipment..... I hope that comes sooner than later, then wgt may justify the low trade in value.  So overall I think right now 25% is too low, but I wouldn't be surprised to see that drop if we do get a test drive feature.

    Just my thoughts,



  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2009 7:33 AM

    Between Lee, Nivlac, SweetiePie and even Adam Turner himself I'm thinking this particular forum topic has one of the lowest stroke averages of all time!  My apologies for not helping that average.  And no, I'm not going to ask WGT to begin posting fourm stroke averages.  :)

  • mefitz
    372 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2009 8:01 AM

       I agree Double, this thread has given me some food for thought (still digesting!) about this issue.I`ve been disparaging towards the trade in values until I read Nivlac`s post, and Lee capped the whole thing. I wouldn`t have that bitter taste in my mouth if I`d been able to "test drive" before buying, rather than buying "sight unseen".

      I`m glad to hear from Alex that this will be addressed and then I`ll agree with Alacowboy whole heartily. The issue then becomes: What will the parameters be for "trying out" the equipment? How many shots? At what cost, if any? If there is a cost, will it be applied to an eventual purchase, or will it be separate? Etc.....more food for thought.

      Before we start a lot of speculation, it would be nice if WGT weighed in on this. What are Their thoughts on these parameters? Alex?

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2009 8:12 AM
    From a different view, an improvement in trade-in value would seem to likewise improve the rate of sale, and also impact the inventory of "keeper" clubs the player wishes to have handy for certain special golf course conditions or perhaps use in a particular CTTH game. It is a matter of what is reasonable.
  • mefitz
    372 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2009 10:38 AM

      Just another thought along the same line. When WGT implements the "gifting" feature I`d like to be able to "gift" clubs/balls to another player rather than just credits. I know it would be against the grain (business wise) for WGT to do this but, I would get more out of giving a well deserving am. or pro working their way up the ranks a useful boost, by giving them my old TM TP driver or any of my "old" putters that I`ll never use again (special course conditions or not) than to trade these in. Feeling generous WGT ?...Happy Holidays to All !

  • FatTire7
    3 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2009 10:11 PM
    I have to agree... I purchased the TM pro irons and tour burner woods when i became pro, only because i couldn't purchase the master set.. soon after (a month or so) i became master and had to upgrade atleast the driver... the r9(master) irons only add 12yds each for 100 more credits more than the TM tour burner irons... trade in value then buying another set for only 100 credits original cost is a lil overboard for a game... I like the game by all means don't get me wrong.. but people, this is still just a game... WGT atleast allow trades with other players that might wanna try other clubs.. that would be an idea.. or allow upgrade options when your skill level changes... Peace!!!
  • SMC1967
    41 Posts
    Sun, Dec 13 2009 1:02 PM
    at first I too was thinking what a bad deal, my pro shop had better trade in rates than that. But I thought about it, I belive the attemp is for you to keep all these clubs as tools for differnt courses? You might wish you had them instead of selling. does this make since?