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Re: Forum search priority sort

rated by 0 users
Wed, Dec 15 2021 8:13 AM (2 replies)
  • Duphpherer
    477 Posts
    Tue, Dec 14 2021 4:35 PM

    Being as this game is at least 10 yrs old there must be thousands of answers to every question in this forum. When I search, I get many pages of hits, but only a few show their dates. For obvious reasons, the latest most pertinent posts are desired. Posts that are 10 yrs old aren't always as reliable as they were when first posted. 

    May I suggest a priority sort when searching. At the minimum, sort by date, newest first. It works for Google. Does this option exist and I just missed seeing it? :)


  • Simontown
    9 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2021 8:13 AM

    One useful interim solution would be to use google and target the site forum, then you can use the Tools to limit the date range. i.e. you can enter in the search bar: "putting site:" and then limit results to the past month or any custom timeframe you'd like.

  • ScottHope
    10,613 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2021 8:14 AM

    You are probably better off using Google to search. To restrict your search to a particular site, put the site at the end of your search text. For example, if you want to search for 'putting' at WGT, type this into Google search...


    ...if you want to search for a specific phrase, put it in quotes...

    "cat on putting green"

    ...if you want to search for something specific, like 'golf' but not the car, type in the word 'golf' with minus car (-car) after it...

    golf -car

    ...have fun.  ; )