TJD76:Any idea why the percentage numbers have disappeared from the power bar on my laptop when playing the game?
I do recall, at one time, seeing actual percentages given, in numbers such as "50%", but have not had that in a long time. I think I had it only in practice rounds, which I hardly play.
I believe, presently, the percentage numbers only show up when using "putt pal"
Were you in a club before and recently quit? All members in level 4, and above, clubs, get the "shot pal" and putt pal" for free. If you left a club, you would lose the "pals".
You can purchase the "pals" in the pro-shop, price is dependent on number of hits desired, or join another club.
Make sure, in settings, you have the "pals" turned on.
If you are interested in joining a club, check out some clubs in the COUNTRY CLUB CORNER threads.
I hope this helps. I am sure if there is a way to get the numbers back, someone here will pipe in with a better response. I am hardly an expert on WGT.