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Re: Cheaters/poor sports

Thu, May 12 2022 3:04 PM (5 replies)
  • Trent0419
    11 Posts
    Thu, May 12 2022 3:30 AM

    I have been running into these types of players more and more often and am hoping something can be done about this. I will be playing in Montreal room on the 100,000 coin games, and these real special folks throw a tantrum once they've lost and essentially force me to withdraw. They will take every second of their play time to make a shot and when they do, its a garbage shot so they get another. They will literally do this until they have used all 10 of their shots. I either have to wait their tantrum out for what usually amounts to 20 minutes or so, or withdraw from the match and let them have their coin back. I have used the block feature on those I've encountered so far, but they keep popping up. Not newbies, either. I'm talking about Legend and Tour Master status. They will use every second second of their play clock, then finally hit a 1 foot putt. Then do it all over again until finally they run out of shots. I'm convinced they are doing it to force people to withdraw so they can collect coins. Is there anything else that can be done about these spectacular ass hats? There needs to be a feature where players can end the game if necessary without surrendering the coin and rewarding this behavior. 

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,663 Posts
    Thu, May 12 2022 9:19 AM

    Oh, aren't they just loveable? LOL

    Unfortunately the best you can do right now is to take screenshots of those idiotic losers and report them to CS team. I've done it like over 15 times or so.

    Before entering the 30-minute coin rooms, get yourself some pastries and coffee. If you run into one of those morons, just sit back, laugh over and enjoy your refreshments.

    Good luck and cheers!

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, May 12 2022 9:41 AM

    can report them as mentioned above.

    Personally I will usually be proactive and say something like "I've got all day. I'm watching .... on netflix. "

    Most of the time they will quit the game. They do it for two reasons to get you to forfeit or to get you mad.

    Once they know neither is happening they usually move on to the next target.

    also block  doesn't keep you from playing people. Just keeps you from seeing their chat or messaging you.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, May 12 2022 11:05 AM

    Before entering the 30-minute coin rooms, get yourself some pastries and coffee. If you run into one of those morons, just sit back, laugh over and enjoy your refreshments.

    Agree, They do usually get tired of this - if you can just wait em out quietly.

  • CaptRon48
    190 Posts
    Thu, May 12 2022 12:44 PM

    You never know what your gonna get out of that box of chocolates!

    I'm a fake legend having got title by playing in coin rooms. I played two tour legends other night I beat both but they were very complimentary to me along the way. Next I got a lev 155 Tour Champ who was sore loser complaining about "apparel birdies? He was out driving my standard ball by 20-40 yards so not sure what his issue was. After 2nd shots on last hole he forfeited. Not what I expected out of lev 155. I expect that out of lower levs and I have no issue with it as long as they do it right. Ones I detest are ones who just click game off. Turns into waiting game. Just a blatant attempt to screw the other guy.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, May 12 2022 3:04 PM


    You never know what your gonna get out of that box of chocolates!


    For sure, I run into more high levels doing this stuff than low honestly...

    And in a regular 1v1 game its not a big deal, in Alt shot it stinks no matter how someone quits.