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Re: putting

rated by 0 users
Sun, May 22 2022 1:50 AM (9 replies)
  • club578
    570 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2022 7:36 AM

    how do i get over a uphill slope on the green and get to the hole? now i use a putt calculater and just guess how much to add help!

  • tramilleo
    1,903 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2022 8:25 AM

    You are in a club with over 250+ members and you cant find 1 person in your CC to teach or help you??????????   SAD DAY INDEED

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2022 9:25 AM

    you cant find 1 person in your CC to teach or help you??????????

    that's right there were multiple people offering help - but he appears to be wanting a different answer than what we have tried to share so far.

    There are many in our club that have freely offered help and even asked direct questions to clarify what he may be doing now that is not working out - but we can't properly advise if we don't get the necessary information - to make the appropriate adjustments.

    I know several players have given advice, myself included, some have offered summary with video examples, and I have tried to get a better understanding of what he is struggling with by learning what he is doing now - but we can't tweak his current method without knowing what it is.

    But just like someone asking for help on a putt you don't know or can't see yourself - you are making assumptions about a lack of help that has been offered and those players attempting to help.  

    Keep making your assumptions - typical of a lot of people in these forums.

  • 18randy18
    499 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2022 9:36 AM


    you cant find 1 person in your CC to teach or help you??????????

    that's right there were multiple people offering help - but he appears to be wanting a different answer than what we have tried to share so far.

    There are many in our club that have freely offered help and even asked direct questions to clarify what he may be doing now that is not working out - but we can't properly advise if we don't get the necessary information - to make the appropriate adjustments.

    I know several players have given advice, myself included, some have offered summary with video examples, and I have tried to get a better understanding of what he is struggling with by learning what he is doing now - but we can't tweak his current method without knowing what it is.

    But just like someone asking for help on a putt you don't know or can't see yourself - you are making assumptions about a lack of help that has been offered and those players attempting to help.  

    Keep making your assumptions - typical of a lot of people in these forums.

    Great Answer,, many people look around till they find the answer they want, without trying something different

  • Duphpherer
    475 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2022 10:18 AM

    Without doubt, putting is the real challenge in this game. IMHO... if putting was easy, the game would suffer.

    The greens are where I see non-sensical dots moving opposing directions depending on the view. Then the ball might jump left or right as if were starting in a divot, when there's no reason for that to happen. The greens have me scratching my head sometimes, but in a game where tee to green is, perhaps, too easy, the greens provide the real challenge.

    Not to mention the shortage of camera angles when putting. Hard to aim with confidence when the view is skewed like a spectators view instead of standing over a putt.

    A thump does not guarantee a birdie. We can all attest to that, right? lol 

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2022 10:58 AM

    Great Answer,, many people look around till they find the answer they want, without trying something different

    another key that I discovered when I finally caught up with them for more one on one - is that people need to remember that while there is a lot of advice in the forums - the advice and tips shared has evolved over time and on different platforms -

    when it comes to putting in particular - the device you are playing on, the green speed your putting grid is set up for, the experience you have gained and your eyes are accustomed to can dictate how your see or read the greens and what tips -- ie calculations or formulas for use on the putting greens may deviate - so that nothing may work right out of the box - UNLESS you understand where it comes from and how it may need adjusted in order to work for you and your device and what feels right for your eyes.

    I almost always try to find out first what device or what settings a person prefers playing because without knowing details like that - you can give advice that won't work for them and leave them frustrated.

    I do feel better about clearing up some confusion and hope our friend and club member starts finding a little more success on the greens. 

  • Duphpherer
    475 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2022 11:36 AM

    With an average approach of 18 feet, makes it difficult to get a good putting rating. Knocking it close = knocking it in. When the approach average drops, more first putts will fall. 

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2022 12:03 PM

    With an average approach

    ADP can be out of line a lot of times - so I don't always take WGT lifetime stats as being too significant.  Ideally if someone is troubleshooting their game - they would record stats for their last 10 rounds and obtain a current data set to work off of.  

    If those stats then still indicate a higher ADP then yes - that is an area to improve on.

    But how can you know or discern how long a player may have used starter clubs before buying their first irons, how can you discern if a player dabbled in UEL or a lot of heavy wind events - all of those type of things can weight down a players ADP and other stats.  

    Stats can be helpful but also deceiving.

  • Cicero733
    2,318 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2022 5:27 PM

    @club578…I understand your situation. If so inclined send me a friend request and I can share the data/info I believe you are requesting. 

  • tramilleo
    1,903 Posts
    Sun, May 22 2022 1:50 AM

    wasnt an assumption, he clearly didnt get his question answered to his satisfaction as he posted in the forums. he asked a question and i questioned his ?  so thats not an assumption. Dont worry about me lol help your CC mate