tramilleo: you cant find 1 person in your CC to teach or help you??????????
that's right there were multiple people offering help - but he appears to be wanting a different answer than what we have tried to share so far.
There are many in our club that have freely offered help and even asked direct questions to clarify what he may be doing now that is not working out - but we can't properly advise if we don't get the necessary information - to make the appropriate adjustments.
I know several players have given advice, myself included, some have offered summary with video examples, and I have tried to get a better understanding of what he is struggling with by learning what he is doing now - but we can't tweak his current method without knowing what it is.
But just like someone asking for help on a putt you don't know or can't see yourself - you are making assumptions about a lack of help that has been offered and those players attempting to help.
Keep making your assumptions - typical of a lot of people in these forums.