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Re: Looking for help.

Tue, Nov 15 2011 5:11 AM (26 replies)
  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Thu, Nov 10 2011 4:26 PM

    After reading the feedback Im still standing by my original response to these players. If this person can do it, so can you. If this person posts a score and you beat it and then this person tops it. Well, go in and top theirs again.

    Good for you fella! So glad to hear it! Take care and good luck!

                                                                                                 Master Yoda

  • MBaggese
    15,369 Posts
    Thu, Nov 10 2011 4:27 PM

    A couple of things for clarification.

    Question asked was in regards to single play.

    Single play tourney can only be played once.  If you quit the game, you cannot restart or re-enter it.  If you complete the game, you still cannot enter it again.

    Regarding score history, YJ is correct, only completed rounds are posted in Activity, you will not see 50 restarts.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Nov 10 2011 5:02 PM

    only completed rounds are posted in Activity, you will not see 50 restarts.

    Exactly and when you're looking at the last shot of a CTTH and know you can't beat the score, you restart. What makes this approach interesting is when you need to nail that last shot to beat the score and don't!  LOL- Posted score.  :-D

  • Woody2112
    574 Posts
    Sun, Nov 13 2011 5:10 AM

     Reading most of the posts in here, it seems you have a few different angles, one thing possible is to set the winnings for more than top 3, so that most of the entries get a piece of the pie, the more times this person enters, the bigger the piece of pie each player recieves. If he or she enters twenty times and wins, chances are they are only winning there own credits back IF they top the leaderboard. May they have a bad day once in a while, and someone else manages to reap the reward. Good luck with your query.

  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Sun, Nov 13 2011 2:32 PM

    Until WGT give the option of making CTTH single play they are unlimited  so members can play it as many times as they like, they are not doing anything wrong, whether for credits or not, and should not be punished . . . nuff said

  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Tue, Nov 15 2011 1:58 AM


    I have stopped having credit payout CTTH tournaments because no one will play them knowing this player will play for hours until they beat the top score.

    I have a player who dominates our club CTTHs, and he doesn't need to play them a bunch to do it!  I don't think it would be fair to him or the club as a whole to quit having CTTHs.  I think it's up to the other club members to get better!  But I think there are a few things you could try to encourage other members to play in the Premium CTTHs against him.

    I make all my tournaments 7 day duration, so no matter when during the week someone's free time is, they'll have a chance to play.  This way more players might have the opportunity to play a CTTH a bunch of times, if they want.

    Make sure to have free CTTH tourneys, so club members can get better at them without losing credits.

    Make the entry fee for premium CTTHs very low.  You can go as low as 5 credits.  I like to set them at 9 or 14.  (9 credit entry fee tourneys payout the same as 10s!  And 14 the same as 15s, and 19 the same as 20s, etc., etc.)  I like keeping all my weekly premium tourneys below 25 cents, so more folks can afford to play.

    Make the payout to the Top 10 or Top 3, so the members don't have to come in first to win credits.  I have kept my CTTHs in the WTA rotation, so far, but I'm pretty close to ending that, until someone else wins one.

    Try to enter all your CTTHs yourself, to break the ice.

    BTW, my club members don't *** about certain players winning a lot.  In fact, they don't *** about anything.  They just play golf.

    BTW also, I suck at CTTHs.  I could play for hours and never win one.  Which is another reason I feel obligated to keep having them.

    Edit: (Hmmm, you can't say ***?!  Now, that's something to *** about, ha, ha.  *** rhymes with itch, btw.)

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Nov 15 2011 5:11 AM

     I could play for hours and never win one.

    Same here but you win in the long run. Look at how good you know those shots.  ;-)