MonkeyBoy2074: Can anyone tell me which set in the pro shop (that I can purchase) is the most similar to the MK3 set.
long time ago - I put together a list of some of the coin rental gear specs - if you look over the specs - you should be able to open two browser pages and then compare them with the clubs in the proshop.
also if you have the clubs loaded up in your bag - it will compare them with the clubs you are looking at automatically.
given your level - if you don't want to wait to reach level 85 which is where some of the better club options become available
if you don't want to wait - as noted in the post - I used coin rental clubs until I unlocked and made some of my first club purchases.
L51 3wd, L55 driver, L59 irons - the wedges are sometimes personal preference and several good options - but there are also some slower meter callaway options that may be better than what I used at that time -
so - given your level progression you would likely be downgrading your clubs to try and mimick the MK3 set because you have better options available to you.