Thanks, PureGro....
So early this morning I "tested" out the coin games. I activated a sponsor and then I played 2 coin games - the same ones as yesterday - 1 Paris 100 coin entry fee and 1 Chelsea 500 coin entry fee - and I completed the 2 of them within 30 minutes. I won both of them outright, without going to a tiebreaker.
WGT counted both of them towards the goal that says: "Play 2 coin room games with an active sponsor." So it appears that the theory you suggested is correct. :-) This goal has a wording problem. More accurately, the Goal should be "WIN 2 coin games in regulation - without a tiebreaker - and with a sponsorship activated."
So I think that resolves that one...but then a different can of worms opened. A new goal today says "Play 4 holes in coin games". Well wait a minute - the two games I listed above are 4 holes - Paris is 3 holes and Chelsea is 1 hole. I thought that met the goal - but this is another one with a wording problem.... I then went and played a Beverly Hills round (9 holes with a green fee of 4,500 coins) - I was thinking that maybe the 4 holes needed to be all in 1 game. Well I played that round - and I won it - and the Goal shows a progress of 3/4 - so I am not shure how exactly WGT is counting 4 holes towards that one.
I will learn to be flexible with "interpreting" what some of these goals are saying.
Thanks for your reply on the mini-map and the meter. I'm able to play just fine, but something did seem to change 2 nights ago...but for now, that's all.
Thanks, AtlantaCoaster