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Re: My avg score

Thu, Aug 25 2022 12:25 PM (27 replies)
  • alosso
    21,050 Posts
    Mon, Aug 22 2022 9:08 PM

    H, P, may I show you the iconic German Sesame Street intro song?
    (with translations)

    So, what's your questions?

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,611 Posts
    Mon, Aug 22 2022 11:45 PM


    H, P, may I show you the iconic German Sesame Street intro song?
    (with translations)

    So, what's your questions?

    Sometimes, I thank God for not making German the universal language of the world.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Tue, Aug 23 2022 5:09 AM

    Pardon me, that's not quite correct.

    Your right, He needs scores lower than 69...I mistakenly said he needed scores below 69. Glad this got cleared

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Aug 23 2022 5:30 AM

    Your right, He needs scores lower than 69...I mistakenly said he needed scores below 69. Glad this got cleared

    You did and he doesn't, 69 will lower his average so he doesn't need scores of below 69. Obviously it didn't get cleared

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Tue, Aug 23 2022 6:27 AM

    You did and he doesn't, 69 will lower his average so he doesn't need scores of below 69. Obviously it didn't get cleared

    Your right, BUT Are we trying to confuse people? I was actually just trying to answer his question, not write my memoir of "What does below 69 mean to you?" 

    Bigger mystery is why one of you didn't just answer his question in the first place instead of waiting to quibble about a couple % point that I doubt the OP cared about anyway.

    I am quite flattered that I was able to draw so much attention to the OPs thread, and now we all know how to calculate our average.

    This means a 69 would lower his average, only by about 0.04% but nevertheless..... ;-)

    Alas, to reach Master @67 average, 69s and 68s aren't enough. Quite a lot of 67s (or lower) are necessary - quite a way to go!

  • alosso
    21,050 Posts
    Tue, Aug 23 2022 9:24 PM

    He needs scores lower than 69...I mistakenly said he needed scores below 69. Glad this got cleared
    It's not that. I just took your statement too narrowly - my fault.

    Of course, 69 scores don't bring him anywhere (except for a few irrelevant decimals lower in average).

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Wed, Aug 24 2022 2:34 AM

    Your right, BUT Are we trying to confuse people? I was actually just trying to answer his question, not write my memoir of "What does below 69 mean to you?" 

    Lol, who's trying to confuse people?  what below 69 means to me in this context is 68 or lower so why not say that?  It would still be wrong but it'd make more sense.   A 69 will lower his average. 

    I am quite flattered that I was able to draw so much attention to the OPs thread, and now we all know how to calculate our average.

    Good because the bigger piece of misinformation was all the stuff relating to par.

    Bigger mystery is why one of you didn't just answer his question in the first place instead of waiting to quibble about a couple % point that I doubt the OP cared about anyway.

    I don't really want to justify my times on here to you but do remember it is wgt.  I did think it would be helpful to let him know +/- par meant nothing and 69 would lower his average.  You are right though, perhaps I could have helped more.

    ---------------Some picture thing to make me look clever------------------

    -------------------------and demean someone else----------------------


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Wed, Aug 24 2022 3:06 AM

    My avg score dont chance anymore last three days. I get so many birdies and some eagles, but avg its same. Can somebody know tell my, what is wrong?

    There are two possibilities your standard of play/equipment etc or what you are playing.   How well you play is what it is, although of course it will get better with practice, and your equipment is pretty good.

    You are playing mostly tournaments and pretty much on all courses.  I would say the best way to learn the game but it isn't the best way if you want promoted.

    Playing tournaments means you are off your own tee and without apparel. 

    As has already been suggested,  If you can get your CC to set some red tee tournaments  the shorter tees and easy conditions are a common way of lowering your average. 

    You could also play ranked 9's on the app that means you get to keep the benefits of your apparel which can make a big difference.  Also chose an easy course like Wolf Creek and play it repeatedly, with your increasing knowledge along with heightened attributes your average is bound to come down.  Edit: where possible play 18's as two 9's there is no way this can do your average anything but good (well, it'll make it lower).  Take that 69; one 9 would have to be 34 at the most giving you a 68 instead.

    Seriously though all that will happen is you'll be promoted to Master and have even longer tees making it even harder to play unless you stick to these methods. 

    Wgt give us these easy ways of tiering up for a reason and that is you'll need to spend plenty on new equipment when you get there if you do still want to play tournaments etc, otherwise the longer tees would make them too hard.   Of course if you still play red tee you can get the equipment anyway and have the illusion of "getting better"---sorry rambling now.

    Just have fun and the rest will come when it should, good luck.

  • pmm711
    5,640 Posts
    Wed, Aug 24 2022 4:28 AM

    The easiest thing to know about your average is once it stops changing then you’re more than likely saturated in your tier.  Once saturated then you’ll get to know which scores drop your average and which scores don’t.  

    I recently advanced to TC and my average had to drop to 55 or below.  My saturation point was 200 ranked rounds.  So for the first 200 rounds at Champion my average moved up and down.  Once saturated, scores higher than my average didn’t change it.  Also know that only your top 100 scores after saturation figure into your average.  

    So I was stuck on 55.74 forever.  Since that’s roughly 56, only scores of 28 and below on a B9 or F9 would drop my average.  This is because 28 x 2 = 56.  So if I shot a 28 or below I knew I was replacing some 29s in those top 100 scores.  A 28 would lower my average by .01 and if I shot a 25 it would drop by .04.  I then knew that each stroke under 29 equated to .01 off my average.  So in essence, “my par” for a par 36 or par 35 F9 or B9 was now 29.  Since my goal was to reach an average of 55.00, I knew I had to be 74 strokes under my “saturated par” of “par 29”.  I also knew if I got to a point where 28s were no longer dropping my average that I then had replaced all the 29s in my top 100 scores…so this made my new “saturated par” a 28…where only scores of 27 or below would affect my average.  Again, as only your top 100 scores after saturation are used to compute your average, each stroke under your new “saturated par” will drop your average by only .01.

    I’m sure the above will confuse some people, but trust me, the math works.  You merely have to understand what I mean by “saturated par”…which is your highest score in your top 100 scores (based on 9 hole ranked rounds).  You’re basically trying to replace the highest scores in your top 100 with lower ones until you reach your desired average.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Wed, Aug 24 2022 4:52 AM

    I recently advanced to TC and my average had to drop to 55 or below.

    So it was 74 strokes and you dropped them in a fortnight with a free ball?! Very well done and congratulations :-)