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Re: Help with greenside shots from rough and bunkers

Tue, Nov 29 2022 8:25 AM (7 replies)
  • jtgolfer53
    7 Posts
    Sun, Nov 27 2022 8:02 PM

    I admit to being too easily frustrated, but the shots out of the bunker or, even more so, from the rough have me totally flummoxed. Are there any equations, formulas, tarot cards, voodoo or other sources of either logical or illogical methods of how to calculate when I'm 33 yards from the flag, in 50-60% rough and the shot is 4 feet uphill?

    I mean, can the rough percentage be used to calculate the shot? If I'm in 50-60% does that mean my shot will travel half to 60% less?

    I like the game and really have gotten into playing the last 10-12 months. My 2 biggest complaints are this problem and also needing to buy balls to be competitive and then having to spend $40 every month or 2 to have balls that don't travel 200mph across the slider bar (or whatever that thing is called).

    Thanks to all you expert veterans and nice competitors I've met along the way!

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Nov 28 2022 8:47 AM

    Thanks to all you expert veterans and nice competitors I've met along the way

    Im sure you will get some suggestions, I would urge you to join a country club- It will help you advance in this game and sort out the type issues you are having with bunkers/rough.

    The blog on this page linked below "GOLF TIPS TO USE TO IMPROVE YOUR ENTIRE GAME" is full of the information you are looking for

  • CSM111
    124 Posts
    Mon, Nov 28 2022 9:50 AM

    Hope this helps you it has been a big help for me it is not my formula but want to give original poster credit , it is not as complicated as it seems and can be figured real quick with out  calculator. 
    “” this works for me on most green side bunkers after getting used to,It is a small formula easy to learn and works in most situations. Green side bunkers double the distance to the pin for eg. 22 yrds becomes 44  for 15/20 add 4 30/40 add 8 40/50 add 12  60/70 add 16 now take into account elevation  for eg 7ft up add7 ,for 7ft down subtract seven. now we will use 22 yrds 7 ft up and 30 /40 lie, so we have 22x2=44 +8 for lie+7 for elevation totalling 59. Using me 64 wedge(60 yrds) I play full bs and hit full shot for 59% of meter and am usually within 3 ft of pin. I check where to aim by using pitch view from reverse to see where green is breaking and where i shud try to land the ball and let it run. Although I am far from the best I have brought my sand save % from the high 30,s to 68.29 in the approx 7/8 months since I made this formula. I passed this on to all my CC members and many are using it and improving their %,s. With practice you will learn to adjust slightly for wind and the way the green runs to + or - your total % to hit.For eg. on #4 beth ,back pin green runs frt to back so I do the math ""but do not add the elevation change 5/7 ft up as you will get the xtra runout,same applies to beth #5.I have eagled #4 and birdied #5 many time from the frt bunkers hope this helps. I know it looks complicated but when used to it I hit from sand in approx 30 seconds total. Good luck to all who try it and I wish you well I made this a long time ago Trev”” 

  • protonc
    651 Posts
    Mon, Nov 28 2022 9:56 AM

    Too many factors, ball, wedges, green speed, apparel, etc.  Best to go do some practice rounds and write down what works for you. 

  • ArchieBunker85
    61 Posts
    Mon, Nov 28 2022 11:19 AM

    I use practice rounds to figure out how to play out of different lies and bunkers. A couple weeks ago i got new wedges and the first thing I did was go into practice and learn how they play around the greens. Probably used a sleeve of balls because of all the mulligans but it's worth it. Now I can get up and down pretty much everytime I miss the green as long as I have some green to work with. Practice practice practice. 


  • PascalGanador
    18 Posts
    Tue, Nov 29 2022 4:09 AM

    The tip below is not mine, but picked it up somewhere on this forum:

    Bunkers from 50 yards and in requires 1 very simple calculation.

    for 15-20 bunkers, no change. Hit it normal.

    for 30-40 bunkers, multiply your distance by .3 (30%). Add that plus or minus elevation.

    for 40-50 bunkers, multiply your distance by .375 (37,5%). Add that plus or minus elevation.

    for 50-60 bunkers, multiply your distance by .4 (40%). Add that plus or minus elevation.

    I have been using it for some time now and it's pretty accurate (at least for me).You may need some tweaking (depending on balls etc) and of course, you need to know your wedge distances related to percentage on the meter. But I assume you have those mapped out.

    So, for your example: 33 yrds x 0.4 = 13.2.
    Add that to your 33 yrd distance = 46.2
    Add 4 ft uphill = 1.3 yrds
    So a total of 46.2 + 1.3 = 47.5 yrds
    Then you know what % to hit on your wedge, hit it clean and perhaps allow for some roll, you should get it close to the hole.


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Nov 29 2022 7:11 AM

    Add "wedge quality" to the mix!

    Your Starter LW will act crappy until unpredictable, compared to the Callaway that you have. This one is too long, compared to your Starter irons.

    Consider to buy one or two short wedges (50/60 yds, then 70/80 yds) to fit in, and perhaps use the Callaway as the third, replacing your hybrid!

    Also, consider different balls. Those L0 balls may be too expensive for their characteristics.

    Have fun!

  • Duphpherer
    475 Posts
    Tue, Nov 29 2022 8:25 AM

    If 100 yds or less, the shot out of rough or sand can be very predictable. Approach shots not in the fairway require a ding or near ding to get consistent results. 

    Practice is boring, but is the best way to see and learn real-world results. Mulligan mulligan mulligan in the sand and in the rough with different lies and different wedges. 

    Green speed and elevations can have a big impact because of roll. 

    And if you see your lie is "60-70" and you're 150 yds to the green, don't try to be a hero. Look for the nearest patch short grass. lol