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Re: The 0.2 foot Missed Putt Club

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jan 9 2023 8:17 PM (8 replies)
  • Robbo81303
    415 Posts
    Wed, Dec 21 2022 11:19 PM

    Hi folks.  For all the time we spend here in the forums touting our accomplishments, I figure its a good time and place to note the utterly ignominious results as well. does one miss a 0.2 foot putt?  Even with the actual hole offset slightly from the displayed hole it would be extremely difficult to miss.  In my case, there was no lip-out, no bounce off the far side of the cup.  No, my putt just dribbled forward a couple of feet as if the hole weren't there at all. Sometimes WGT giveth, sometimes WGT definitely taketh away.

    The particulars: Kiawah #8, front pin, Champ 13 greens, during a Country Club Tournament, facing the back pin location almost directly.  There was a 14-16 mph wind blowing right to left but that shouldn't have made a difference with the ball on the very edge of the cup.  I missed the ding late by one stinkin' pixel.

    With any luck this will be the only example of this happening.  Happy Hitting folks!


  • Yiannis1970
    3,284 Posts
    Thu, Dec 22 2022 3:00 AM

    Hey Rob. Well...i don't want to throw salt in your wounds but you are not the first having an experience like this!! I remember years back where we could save till 10 replays, Seb (Sebicu) had exactly the same situation as you describe it at Cabo. The hole just wasn't there.He kept the video there for years and years!!

    I was laughing and crying at the same time!!


    Obviously a rare (but still..) programming glitch of some kind.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Thu, Dec 22 2022 4:14 AM

    Finally a category I qualify for..:)

    I have played Alt with both Rob and Yiannis. They will attest to my "putting acumen", and to their sore backs from carrying me so many

    I have missed from every range and angle. It was so bad, I would keep replays of any made putt approaching 8-10 ft.

    Merry Xmas all...stay safe


  • twinponds169
    3,027 Posts
    Thu, Dec 22 2022 7:31 AM

    Happened to me about a month ago on the short pin at Congo 6th par 5 over the water.

    .08 out, zero movement, dinged it the usual tap-in hair over a foot and it slowly rolled directly over the center of the hole and stopped on the other side, .02 out. Guys I was playing with saw the exact same thing. It was like someone just cruelly painted a black circle on the green and there wasn't an actual hole, lol.

    Wonder if I was .07 out instead, if the auto click would have got the same result, lol.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,284 Posts
    Thu, Dec 22 2022 8:23 AM

    Surely that's a lol post Colin, however, you have never missed a 0.2 putt!!


  • Duphpherer
    457 Posts
    Thu, Dec 22 2022 10:17 AM

    Me too, about a year ago. I attributed it to someone putting plastic wrap over the hole. 

  • Oldtupp
    223 Posts
    Thu, Dec 22 2022 12:51 PM

    Hi Rob , have experienced similar  however it seem to happen more frequently when playing  the new breed of participant with all their fancy dress costumes and the enhanced  advantages they have cheers Tupp

  • Blue588
    273 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2023 8:17 PM
