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Re: Tell me what I did wrong (please)

rated by 0 users
Tue, Mar 28 2023 5:44 AM (8 replies)
  • Matt48224
    43 Posts
    Fri, Mar 24 2023 10:33 AM


    PGA National #5

    Hole is 176 yards from tee

    Wind blowing to NE at 7-9 mph

    Correct for wind direction 

    Applied max backspin

    Swung 93% of meter (=167.4 yards)

    Add 5 yards for ball (Callaway lvl 33)

    Add 4 yards for wind 

    Total should be about 176 yards

    I goofed and should have added a few yards to correct for rollout, so I’d expect the above shot to land around 172 yards.



    5 iron rated for 180 yards (Callaway Paradym X lvl 72)

    Ball with 3% distance boost and 3.5 spin rating


    Plop into the water at 159 yards


    i can understand messing up by a few yards every once in a while. But 12?????? And I’ll add that my 7 iron does this a lot too…I’m starting to just add 5 yards to that **** club regardless of what math says the shot should be.


    Any advice is appreciated. Current advice is to extract my 5 iron from the pond before rust harms resale value.


  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Sat, Mar 25 2023 10:36 AM

    I just did the same hole using 2 different balls, my normal ball(which has a 4.5 meter speed) and did the calcs and landed 4 yards from the hole.  I then switched to a level 33 Calaway ball with a 2.5 meter speed( not used to this speed) has a 5 distance rating, 3.5 spin, 2.5 dur. and a 2.5 meter speed.  Landed 2 yards from hole.

    I did my calculations and hit my 180 yard club in both cases.

    I came up at about 96% for both.

    I don't normally use full backspin with my normal ball, a Max with a 4.5 meter speed and 5 distance.

    I did use full backspin on the Calaway ball to see if I landed closer to hole. Which I did 2 yards versus 4

    When I calculated for what you listed as conditions and your add Ons I came up with  94% of my 195 club.

    You said 7-9 blowing to the NE(trailing wind), which I would subtract 3 yards for that wind,  If you are saying 7-9 blowing from the NE(head wind) then I would add 3 yards to the shot.  Then I would use my 180 club @ 99%.

    I don't add anything for the ball.  My 180 club is also my 6 iron.  In both cases of balls used, I would bring up the close up of the ball and click 5 down for backspin. that usually pretty much stops the ball,  If I want roll out to happen I back off of the 5 clicks.

    I add or subtract 1 yard for every 3 mph of wind, same with up and down elevation.

    using your numbers, I get 173 yards with a trailing wind or 179 yard with the head wind.  Those are the numbers I would use with my 6 iron  96.1% or 99.4%

    Using the numbers you supplied above I would have used my 5 iron(rated at 195) Trailing wind 93.3% or headwind  my 5 iron @ 96.4 percent  So the numbers you supplied using your calculations and club you would be short.

    Adding up your totals you would be making a shot of 185 yards, not 176.

  • Squatch031
    200 Posts
    Sat, Mar 25 2023 10:45 AM

    Also has happened to me on a few occasions. In my case, it was a par 3.  I did all the calculations and when I hit, the ball flew about 80 yards to the left in the brush.  Lost ball.  The game just "burps" every once in a while. Olympic is bad for balls coming up short and Pebble Beach also has one where if you don't add 10 yards, you will always be short.  Looking for something better than WGT.  Too many hiccups and cheaters.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,334 Posts
    Sat, Mar 25 2023 3:58 PM


    Swung 93% of meter (=167.4 yards)


    I let out all the rest cause are irrilevant. Here's the...culprit.

    You said: 180 x 0,93 = 167,4.

    Yes, this is math. WGT does not work this way, especially when you hit a shot with a percentage lower than 96-97%. The discrepancy is not analogical. 93% of your 180 club won't go at 167,4 yds but way shorter. The difference in apex between a 100% full back spin and a 93% full back spin can be more than 3-4-5 yds (depending on the balls and clubs you are using).

    I won't drag you into technical issues but remember this:

    There is no analogical correspondence in maths when you hit a 93%-92% or 90%. Same thing goes for lesser values as well. Your 50% won't go 90 yds.


  • Duphpherer
    477 Posts
    Sat, Mar 25 2023 4:37 PM

    Aren't ball bonus distances for driver only? 

  • Tabarnak777
    176 Posts
    Sat, Mar 25 2023 6:20 PM


    Aren't ball bonus distances for driver only? 

    They affect all clubs. Less the distance less the impact.

  • Matt48224
    43 Posts
    Mon, Mar 27 2023 10:58 AM

    10-4. I have been noticing this effect more in other rounds, as well, now that I’m awake to the issue.

    I need to just put nose to grindstone and map my clubs.

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2023 5:32 AM


    10-4. I have been noticing this effect more in other rounds, as well, now that I’m awake to the issue.

    I need to just put nose to grindstone and map my clubs.

    I just upgraded my clubs, and spent 4 hours mapping them.  3 shots at full, 3 more at 95% and yet 3 again at 90%

    Then went back and did same using full back spin.  Long drawn out process, but worth it. I'm sure wgt appreciates the ball usage I used, lol.  Just something that needs to be done

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2023 5:44 AM

    Also, in our club, when someone upgrades clubs, we run a tourney, where we ask that you use " irons only"  so that you can actually see what you can do with your irons, see if your calculations are accurate.    Gr8 way to practice your irons.