You will be matched up with the players in the Coin Room you are playing in .
This is true, but a legend/Master should know that looking at details of the room will tell them what the tier rating is for that room via the CAP limit ie Ameteur CAP, Pro tour CAP it is even in RED lettering if it is below the tier you should be playing in and in Green if you fit into that tier....
Hacks get those long gimme's
I was a hack not to long ago and I never got a 6ft gimme that is nuts, lol. 2ft max.
A filter would not help . The Coin Rooms were designed without much foresight .
True again to a point, but making these locked to that tier of skill would make the game play more attractive to new players and lower skilled players.. I mean I personally would be more willing to spend money if I knew my next match was someone I could beat or at least have a chance too, wouldn't you?
The majority of Coin players have not played the ranked round protocol .
Maybe, I guess but I keep playing people that have a par rating of below 70 and once and a while I see a 150 but no where near as often as I play below 70 par players so...
They tiered up without playing ranked rounds . By playing lots of Coin Rounds .
You have to play ranked rounds to tier up so this would be wrong unless you mean levels which is not tiering up it is leveling up which gives people access to better gear but does not effect there tier unless they play better in ranked rounds..
They leveled up with lots of XP's .Same as anyone .
How people level is not the conversation m8 the conversation is not having to play people that are in a higher/lower tier. I don't care how someone got there all I know is I am there playing someone that should not be.
I can see clearly what the OP is asking for and I think some manner of this would improve the game retention, increase sales, and promote a more compedative/ fair play enviroment. Lock the rooms to tier play, and let me get better by playing my peers and not be forced to play someone that I am no challenge for them to beat.