SoCalJim23:it was 272 Yards (as the crow flies)....from Tee to Hole". But WGT counts it as 279 Yards from the Tee to that Hole.
And the truth starts to come out. His eagles and albatrosses are coming from baby tees. Off the back tees the hole is 343yds as the crow flies (and then add another 6yds for elevation):

Speaking of albatrosses, is that the correct plural? I think it is, but it sounds wrong. It also reminds me of years ago when I found out a local farmer was selling some of his animals. I've always wanted a hippopotamus, so I wrote him a letter:
"Dear Sir. Could you please send me two hippopotamusses".
That didn't look right, so I screwed up the paper and wrote another letter:
"Dear Sir. Could you please send me two hippopotami".
Well that didn't look right either. So after screwing up that page too I had a third attempt:
"Dear Sir. Could you please send me a hippopotamus, and while you're at it please send me another".
Two were sent in the post :)