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Fri, Jun 16 2023 10:02 AM (34 replies)
  • Duphpherer
    490 Posts
    Tue, Jun 13 2023 10:27 AM

    Well, I feel better. No fun to suffer alone.

    If all players suffer, then it's the new norm. I'm all for making the game more difficult, just not on a quasirandom basis. 

  • BlackBogey
    643 Posts
    Wed, Jun 14 2023 7:12 PM

    This is really getting old very fast.  Putting glitch just happened again, twice in back to back CC events, once @ Olympic and then just now on 18 @ PGA Nat.  13 Greenspeed, 14 feet away in the fringe, -4 inches downhill, very slight  L->R break for eagle.  According to my calculations should've been 21.03% on my 30' meter scale (not even counting any extra for the fringe).  I hit it EXACTLY 20% and intentionally miss just a fraction late to counteract the slight L->R break.  Putt goes 14.2 feet PAST the hole.  14.2 comebacker for birdie goes 9 feet past, and then the next comes up 3 feet short.  So what was a very makeable eagle putt from 14 feet away turns into a 4 putt bogey.  

    I realize there's VEM or whatever, but come on - a 14 foot putt goes 28 feet, then 23 feet back up the hill, then a 9 footer slightly downhill only goes 6?  No way to compete or post a decent score.  If it's on me that's fine, I'm not great, but I'm certainly not this bad to misread a 14 foot putt by double.

    Rant over. 

  • Duphpherer
    490 Posts
    Wed, Jun 14 2023 7:52 PM


    This is really getting old very fast.  Putting glitch just happened again, twice in back to back CC events, once @ Olympic and then just now on 18 @ PGA Nat.  13 Greenspeed, 14 feet away in the fringe, -4 inches downhill, very slight  L->R break for eagle.  According to my calculations should've been 21.03% on my 30' meter scale (not even counting any extra for the fringe).  I hit it EXACTLY 20% and intentionally miss just a fraction late to counteract the slight L->R break.  Putt goes 14.2 feet PAST the hole.  14.2 comebacker for birdie goes 9 feet past, and then the next comes up 3 feet short.  So what was a very makeable eagle putt from 14 feet away turns into a 4 putt bogey.  

    I realize there's VEM or whatever, but come on - a 14 foot putt goes 28 feet, then 23 feet back up the hill, then a 9 footer slightly downhill only goes 6?  No way to compete or post a decent score.  If it's on me that's fine, I'm not great, but I'm certainly not this bad to misread a 14 foot putt by double.

    Rant over. 

    Are you using a mouse? Ensure that you are not touching the scroll wheel before hitting the putt as it will change the distance scale. Other than that, I have nothing. Never heard of this issue before. 


  • callaghan159
    6,457 Posts
    Thu, Jun 15 2023 2:15 AM

    My issues are shots coming way short or way long. Only been like this for the last week to 10 days. Expect the unexpected from WGT I say.

  • BlackBogey
    643 Posts
    Thu, Jun 15 2023 4:01 AM


    This was my exact first thought the FIRST time it happened, but you can bet your bottom dollar that I was super focused on the scale selected just prior to hitting on the next 3 putts. 

    Like I said, I'm far from a great putter, and we are all capable of having a brain fart from time to time (calculating for a 30' scale but forgetting to move it from 15' and putt only goes 1/2 way), but this was not the case on these 3 incidents (2 on Monday and now again on Wednesday).  The strange thing is when this happens everything is nearly doubled.  14' goes 28', 9' goes nearly 18', etc... (except the 9' that only went 6').  It's almost as if the algorithm gets out of whack and stays that way until the refresh on the next hole.  Like the Auto Caddy decides to "suggest" the 30' scale in the background, but displays 15' scale on the game.


    Strangely I have not experienced anything abnormal with anything like you, mine are only on the green.  Mine started Monday, will have to continue to monitor.


    Yes, anyone who has played the game very long knows there is going to be a WTF moment EVERY NOW AND THEN, but for some of us it seems to be becoming a pattern.  I won't go that far just yet and put on my tinfoil hat, and as I said above I will continue to monitor, but I've never had the exact same type of "WTF moment" happen this often to me in such a short time frame. 

  • AnaNikolaj
    658 Posts
    Thu, Jun 15 2023 6:17 AM


    This is really getting old very fast.  Putting glitch just happened again, twice in back to back CC events, once @ Olympic and then just now on 18 @ PGA Nat.  13 Greenspeed, 14 feet away in the fringe, -4 inches downhill, very slight  L->R break for eagle.  According to my calculations should've been 21.03% on my 30' meter scale (not even counting any extra for the fringe).  I hit it EXACTLY 20% and intentionally miss just a fraction late to counteract the slight L->R break.  Putt goes 14.2 feet PAST the hole.  14.2 comebacker for birdie goes 9 feet past, and then the next comes up 3 feet short.  So what was a very makeable eagle putt from 14 feet away turns into a 4 putt bogey.  

    I realize there's VEM or whatever, but come on - a 14 foot putt goes 28 feet, then 23 feet back up the hill, then a 9 footer slightly downhill only goes 6?  No way to compete or post a decent score.  If it's on me that's fine, I'm not great, but I'm certainly not this bad to misread a 14 foot putt by double.

    Rant over. 


    I can see the 1st attempt going that long, if the downslope continues after the hole, which I think it does on that hole. For example, long pin on Merion #3, if that putt goes a touch long on 13 speed, it just keeps Rolling, no matter what the elevation states. But the 2nd putt is though to explain, unless there's a sideslope uphill, kind of like CB #12, putting from the lower edge of the green with your putting line going through the side slope. 

  • BlackBogey
    643 Posts
    Thu, Jun 15 2023 9:29 AM


    I can see the 1st attempt going that long, if the downslope continues after the hole, which I think it does on that hole. For example, long pin on Merion #3, if that putt goes a touch long on 13 speed, it just keeps Rolling, no matter what the elevation states. But the 2nd putt is though to explain, unless there's a sideslope uphill, kind of like CB #12, putting from the lower edge of the green with your putting line going through the side slope. 


    Appreciate the input, but not even close to what you are describing AnaNikolaj.  First of all there is not that drastic of an elevation change anywhere on #18 green @ PGA National.  In this case I was just over the green in the fringe between the right side pin and back bunker, most of the break was R->L more than uphill/downhill.  Secondly, in what you describe I would expect the ball to narrowly miss, then just keep trickling and trickling, perhaps even slightly picking up speed after it hits the more severe downslope past the hole (been there, done that).  This was not the case at all here, all of these putts are coming off the face of the putter like a rocket and racing by the hole. 

    Heck, one of the short ones I posted about earlier (talking about 4-5 feet) from the other day @ CB I used 15 meter @ <25%.  The thing hit the back of the cup so hard it popped up in the air and still went 20 feet past.  (I'm surprised they didn't stop play to let the grounds crew come out and repair the damage to the hole!) 

    Last night was a back 9 CC tournament @ PGA Nat, Champ tees/greens, moderate winds.  I was -4 through 8 holes and looking at a makeable eagle putt on the last, gimme birdie at worst.  I only mention this to show I do 'sort of" know how the game works and how to play.  And while I'm not immune to a lapses in judgement, or not paying close enough attention, or bumping the scroll wheel, this is not the case 4 consecutive putts in a row on 3 different holes over the course of 2 days.  

    Maybe next step is to research how to record games so I'd have some video to back me up next time this happens.

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Thu, Jun 15 2023 11:05 AM

    When selecting a putter scale, are you changing the scales with your scroll wheel or by manually clicking?

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Jun 15 2023 11:14 AM

    in what you describe I would expect the ball

    with all due respect, this is part of the problem. what You Expect is not happening on a majority of your putts, your stats show that you are mis-reading a lot of putts- 

    This is not meant to be a knock on you, just a FYI that hearing what happened and looking at your stats would lead one more toward user error than anything else.

    Last night was a back 9 CC tournament @ PGA Nat, Champ tees/greens, moderate winds.  I was -4 through 8 holes and looking at a makeable eagle putt on the last, gimme birdie at worst.  I only mention this to show I do 'sort of" know how the game works and how to play.  And while I'm not immune to a lapses in judgement, or not paying close enough attention, or bumping the scroll wheel, this is not the case 4 consecutive putts in a row on 3 different holes over the course of 2 days.

    This doesn't show anything, look at your putting stats (approach distance as well) and that will tell you the "hole" story.