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Re: Hazards

Fri, Jul 7 2023 2:36 PM (18 replies)
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  • ScottHope
    10,569 Posts
    Wed, Jul 5 2023 11:03 AM

    Scott - very interesting video. Certainly in the past fades and draws weren't possibe...

    Thanks Mio. I'm not sure how far back you are thinking of when you say that fades and draws weren't possible in the past because I have made similar shots when we were playing on the flash platform.

    I have a video somewhere of a flash replay showing a fade if you would like me to dig it out.

    Oh look, I found it, from 2013...

  • MioKontic
    4,655 Posts
    Thu, Jul 6 2023 3:28 PM

    Well, I stand corrected.  I thought I had seen in the forum from many years ago where someone from WGT said you couldn't do it, maybe WGTNiv (or Nivlac as he was before he joined WGT) - I'll see if I can find it.

    It's a pity the flash replays don't show the meter, I'd like to have seen how far past the ding you clicked.  Some time in the past week I was playing a game on Conressional, and when my approach shot my finger twitched and I hit way early.  Rather than my ball hooking (like in your first video), it merely went straight about 100yds (should have gone aroud 160-ish).

    Also, remember when Congressional was added to WGT, and the invisible tree branch on hole #4 (I think).  In order to avoid it off the back tees (wasn't in play off tees other than Legend tees) you had to aim into the right rough and then hit early to pull the ball left.  But from what I remember the ball never turned in the air, it stayed pretty straight.  That said, you only needed to miss the ding by a few millimetres, not as early as you did in your video, so maybe that made the difference.  Not sure if that invisible branch ever got fixed, but I still always play my tee shot in that way.

  • ScottHope
    10,569 Posts
    Fri, Jul 7 2023 2:46 AM

    Is this the nivlac post you were looking for Mio?

    Maybe WGT thought you couldn't do it because fading and drawing is not deliberately programmed into the game. It's just a characteristic of the game as is I suppose. Rather like being put in a car and told that you can't turn right because the steering only turns to the left, but make three left turns and you've turned right.

    Whenever I make these fade/draw shots with the intention of showing others, I always click as close as I can to the very edge of the meter to make the effect as obvious as possible. I don't think anyone would play like that in a proper game.

    In a normal game I will miss the ding to compensate for a cross wind, so I do use it for that, but certainly not to the extremes that I do for these explanatory videos.

    My rough guide to wind compensation...

  • MioKontic
    4,655 Posts
    Fri, Jul 7 2023 10:43 AM

    Is this the nivlac post you were looking for Mio?

    That might be it, can't really say for sure.  But as you can see from AnaNikolaj's post, he too, and probably 99% of other players, didn't think it was possible... because WGT have never said they've implemented it.

    If the programming is there for when you miss the ding by a long way, then surely it must be there for just missing it by a smaller margin too (becuase it's the same code!), but I can't say I've ever noticed it.

    Seeing as WGT don't seem to bother with the forum any more, maybe someone on Discord could ask them if it has been implemented, and get them to watch your videos and explain the why you were able to hook and slice the ball if it hasn't been implemented yet.

  • AnaNikolaj
    639 Posts
    Fri, Jul 7 2023 2:36 PM


    Is this the nivlac post you were looking for Mio?

    That might be it, can't really say for sure.  But as you can see from AnaNikolaj's post, he too, and probably 99% of other players, didn't think it was possible... because WGT have never said they've implemented it.

    If the programming is there for when you miss the ding by a long way, then surely it must be there for just missing it by a smaller margin too (becuase it's the same code!), but I can't say I've ever noticed it.

    Seeing as WGT don't seem to bother with the forum any more, maybe someone on Discord could ask them if it has been implemented, and get them to watch your videos and explain the why you were able to hook and slice the ball if it hasn't been implemented yet.


    I actually knew one could do it the way you did, cause I had seen videos of it before. I just don't think of it as a real draw/fade, cause it's not really a reliable way to play. The way it is done here is not really a shot with any reasonable degree of control and you lose way too much power by clicking it that early or late. 

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Jul 7 2023 3:13 PM

    If the programming is there for when you miss the ding by a long way, then surely it must be there for just missing it by a smaller margin too (becuase it's the same code!), but I can't say I've ever noticed it.

    Seeing as WGT don't seem to bother with the forum any more, maybe someone on Discord could ask them if it has been implemented, and get them to watch your videos and explain the why you were able to hook and slice the ball if it hasn't been implemented yet.

    Maybe WGT thought you couldn't do it because fading and drawing is not deliberately programmed into the game. It's just a characteristic of the game as is I suppose. Rather like being put in a car and told that you can't turn right because the steering only turns to the left, but make three left turns and you've turned right.

    I think this is most likely it as Scott points out, That sounds right...


  • Cicero733
    2,318 Posts
    Fri, Jul 7 2023 3:27 PM

    I’ve been playing just shy of 5 years and I’ve been drawing and fading the ball the entire time. I just thought it was a feature of the game. I’ve had other players tell me it’s just a pulled or pushed shot, but I have found that the curve is controllable so I’ve been using it.

  • oohaahh
    376 Posts
    Fri, Jul 7 2023 4:53 PM

    There's a decent YouTube video by Irowan on fades and draws. Link above but if it doesn't work simply search for WGT golf fades and draws and it should get you there.

  • ScottHope
    10,569 Posts
    Sat, Jul 8 2023 2:21 AM

    I do remember a long time ago a WGT staff member stating that they tried to implement shot shaping, but it didn't work how they wanted.

    I can't find that actual post, it might have been in the WGT Beta section of the forum (approx 68,000 posts) that got amputated in late 2019, but fatdan remembers the post too..


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