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Re: New courses

Sun, Jul 9 2023 7:11 AM (2 replies)
  • Golphur2
    14 Posts
    Wed, Jul 5 2023 1:06 PM

    I noticed there is a new course in Hawaii I forget the name of it it was in the closest to the hole tourney section. 
    Do you have to be a certain level or tier to play new courses in stoke play games?  I noticed a few others in solo play that I don’t see in stoke play I’ve made a purchase to unlock all courses but don’t see any new ones 


  • tnivka
    146 Posts
    Fri, Jul 7 2023 12:52 PM

    Wow, this is new to me...the part about making a purchase to unlock all courses.  I hope you can elaborate.

    In the past, there have been pay-to-play courses like Cabo. They disappeared, I assume, due to market forces.

    We seem to have a few courses now that are CTTH only. I can think of your Hawaii course, Celtic Manor, and Harbour Town. The last one is so pretty that it d-o-stroys me,

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sun, Jul 9 2023 7:11 AM

    Do you have to be a certain level or tier to play new courses in stoke play games?
    To my best knowledge of 12 years, NO!

    All courses are available to ev1, only some courses have no CTTH option, and some have no stroke play option.

    You see all you can get, and you get nothing more than what you can see!