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Re: Free Credits

Sat, Jul 29 2023 3:44 PM (12 replies)
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  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Mon, Jul 24 2023 2:01 PM


    lot of hoops to jump through that you shouldn't have to.

    Really, I have never had any trouble with them.  They have always been kind to me.

    I reckon I've not been rewarded somewhere between 10,000-20,000 credits on Tapjoy offers I have done.  Annoying as it is, I don't even bother getting in touch with Tapjoy any more because it's been a waste of time for me, I just move on to another offer.

    There has been either a steady decline in the amount of credits being offered for an offer, or the target has got much more difficult to achieve.  That said, Tapjoy offers are still the best way to get credits.

  • callaghan159
    6,458 Posts
    Mon, Jul 24 2023 5:02 PM

    Are you on an Android device with WiFi? There is a problem with Android devices running on Wi-fi.

    Working fine for me....everything in my house runs on wifi

  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Sat, Jul 29 2023 3:44 PM

    I reckon I've not been rewarded somewhere between 10,000-20,000 credits on Tapjoy offers I have done.

    Just completed another part of a Tapjoy offer... and not been rewarded.  Got rewarded 10cr when I installed it the app, got rewarded 21cr when I reached level 15, got rewarded 42cr when I reached level 50, got rewarded 77cr when I reached level 100, but didn't get the 115cr when I just reached level 150.  Now this one was peanuts, I was doing it because I enjoy the game, but there are some offers where I haven't been rewarded a few thousand credits for reaching a required level.  No point in getting in touch with them because they will just make up some excuse to not pay out, like they have done to me many times previously.

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