Couple more issues wgt needs to fix....other than your first game of the day, if you use pass to play ctth round you get zero xp for the pass. 2nd issue is if you have "juice" and play a ctth round you get zero additional xp for the "juice". I have let Nico know about the ctth/pass issue a couple months ago but have not heard back about any resolution. Cheers.
Any word on this from WGT?
UPDATE: Just tested this with the new day. Used only a pass with NO juice. XP worked as they should. Tomorrow will test with juice.
No word on the xp issue with the cc pass on ctth. Yes it does work on first game of the day but 2 nd game using a cc pass you get the same xp as not using a pass.....29 points is what I get. Mentioned to Nico a few times and have heaard nothing back with regards to a resolution. The old beating a "dead horse" .....nothing will change.
When using "juice" and no cc pass playing a 3rd ctth I still only got the 29 xp. I dont usually buy the "juice" but its a easy 5 stars for the daily goals when you purchase the lowest "juice" for 10 credits for hour.