Over the years, I have been interested in what makes some
country clubs thrive while others just sort of coast along. Some of the
dynamics of an active growing club are fairly obvious; friendly, accommodating,
focused and competitive to name a few but I think one very important element
that may be overlooked and underrated is a thing I call “club spirit”. In my
thinking, club spirit is that spark of life, pride and enthusiasm where the
membership feels part of something that has a heartbeat and is special. When
you are in such a club, you want to wear their colors and brag it up with your
friends. It has been said that enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm. That’s a truism. In
my observation, where that begins is with club leaders. The leaders in a
thriving club are visible, meaning they show up and are out front on everything
the club is doing. They are great communicators, and they make themselves
available to membership. If you don’t
know who your club leaders are, chances are that your club is already on life
support. There are many other important elements that bring success to a club
but in my opinion, “club spirit” better be front and center on your list of
club essentials.