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Re: Update

Sat, Sep 30 2023 3:06 PM (3 replies)
  • zoominmir
    1 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2023 5:48 AM

    Did this update ruin the game for anyone else?>    Putting distance is OFF, Crazy left to right swanks on perfect hits? Am i the only one with this problem.  Not to mention , I still have never had Ambient sounds, Only here the ball get hit and the announcer.   PC WIN 11.

  • jeffjrt1987
    5 Posts
    Thu, Sep 28 2023 11:16 AM

    The frame rate is horrible on mobile. This has NEVER been an issue and the game has always been so smooth

  • AnaNikolaj
    658 Posts
    Sat, Sep 30 2023 1:07 AM


    Did this update ruin the game for anyone else?>    Putting distance is OFF, Crazy left to right swanks on perfect hits? Am i the only one with this problem.  Not to mention , I still have never had Ambient sounds, Only here the ball get hit and the announcer.   PC WIN 11.


    You'll need to enable ambient sounds in your settings...

  • mojocracker
    18 Posts
    Sat, Sep 30 2023 3:06 PM

    Yes!!  All I get now is a black screen.  Supposedly they are going to fix it, but I am not holding my breath. 

    They should have older versions available for people whose updates crash due to using computers with older OS's.  But they won't... one size fits all, apparently. 

    I wonder if WGT gets a cut from computer companies for making their new builds exclusively for newer OS's. 

    Also notice that since TopGolf took over WGT.. there are more and more updates that don't tangibly improve game performance or add any apparent value at all.