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Re: Flags

rated by 0 users
Sun, Oct 1 2023 1:46 PM (1 replies)
  • Pvall
    33 Posts
    Sun, Oct 1 2023 9:46 AM

    I don't see why we cant have the Saint George's Cross (England for those that don't know) flag rather than the union jack seems the other union members can have their own flag - What ever happened to my England apparel that I paid $$ for - yes quite a few years ago :( 

  • ScottHope
    10,610 Posts
    Sun, Oct 1 2023 1:46 PM

    You should be able to have the St George's Cross flag, it's in the flags image used for this site, click (5 down 1 across), and also available as a separate gif that's used in forum posts and profile pages, click.

    Contact WGT at to see if they can help.

    If you are a bit of a nerd and want to see what the flag would look like on your post above and you use Chrome or a Chrome based browser, try typing or copy/paste or click/drag this into the browser address bar and hit enter...

    java script:(document.querySelector("[title='United Kingdom']").src="")() will need to remove the space in the word javascript for it to work. I have to add that space to be able to post it, if I didn't, the forum would flag it as code and refuse to post the message.

    Ever get the feeling, 'Why bother?".