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Sat, Dec 29 2012 9:06 PM (13 replies)
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  • tdriver60
    6 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2012 9:12 PM

    Well oldbones29, I will give that a try. I am still learning a lot about WGT, once you posted setting up the hole (why didn't I think of that) It became clear and yes how easy was that. Looks like I am guilty of speaking before thinking it through. thanks for that. I get frustrated with putting the most. I have had some very nice shots getting to the green only to screw up the shot to the cup with 3 putts. thanks again.

  • tdriver60
    6 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2012 9:22 PM

    Ok, I get it.. one picture worth a thousand words, needs a guy with a 9i

  • ForeverHackin
    2,311 Posts
    Tue, Dec 11 2012 6:21 AM

    I must agree with most of the posts here. I can see both sides...using what has already been given us by setting up practice games and hitting a particular club repeatedly, or setting something up as Oldbones29 suggested. However, by the end of the day, it is clear that every golfer here on WGT has looked for a driving range and putting green. 

    WGT should put this as top priority and release it asap. There are just too many revenue options to be ignored and the idea would benefit all. 

    Number 2 on the wish list??? Pebble Beach...we've all been staring at that course for WAY too long!!! LOL


  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 9:06 PM


    There already is a way to practice your driving, especially when you get a new driver.  Go to where you can practice one hole. set up the hole hit the drive, exit out, then set up another one, hit the drive, exit out. so on and so forth. theres your driving range!! How easy is that. To do that go wgt  community, click golf courses then select your course and hole.

    Thats a waste of time. Takes less time to hit the shot, than closing out of a game to start another to make shot again. Might as well cancel all plans for the day to make few drive shots. Its about as good as normal playing. Should have a repeat shot option. Then you set at beginning of hole and just hit over and over again, but only in practice. That is way better than wasting all the time in the world to just leave and come back again. Yes, waiting for load times is a waste.

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