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Re: Levels, tiers and averages.

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Wed, Mar 20 2024 3:20 PM (2 replies)
  • MattyNic0
    45 Posts
    Wed, Feb 28 2024 3:24 PM

    How on earth are they worked out?  I have just today become a Master with a level of 81 and an average of 69.72 yet I'm constantly playing against Masters, Tour Masters, Legends and even Tour Legends with lower levels than me and much higher averages.  

    It just doesn't make sense to me.  

  • 4salebyowner
    13 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2024 3:06 PM

     I've notice this also. I too am a master and have been for about 4 or 5 years now. I can't move up because I feel I have so many games in to lower my average I would have to shoot well under my 63.20 average. If I'm doing that, I should be a legend by now. I have beat some of these legends even if they do have an advantage with hitting the ball up the 30 yds more than me. Just seems like WGT would somehow clear this up. I mean how much does it cost to move up?  Moving up means better golf balls, better golf clubs and better games because people don't quit when they are shooting lower scores. Because they have better equipment to work with.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Can somebody explain so that everyone can understand...       

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2024 3:20 PM

    There's so many ways to rise in tier these days that there ain't no rhyme or reason in the numbers themselves. To add to the confusion, "mobile games" are nowhere listed, so we are blind on that eye.

    How on earth are they worked out?  I have just today become a Master with a level of 81 and an average of 69.72 yet I'm constantly playing against Masters, Tour Masters, Legends and even Tour Legends with lower levels than me and much higher averages.  

    Seeing your "fate", I'm guessing that a lot of mobile games + your L81 made you a Master, since the average wouldn't do it.

    I can't move up because I feel I have so many games in to lower my average I would have to shoot well under my 63.20 average.

    As a Master, only the best 40 rounds count towards the average. Alas, you've played only four ranked rounds this year, and none of them would contribute much to your advancement: 33 (=66 for the average) was the best of them. If you play mobile games, some higher level might make you a Tour Master (add ?????).

    IMHO, both of you might want to disregard level, tier and average and just enjoy the game. Otherways, the grind might kill the fun!