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Re: Injured Player Avatar w/Bandages

Thu, Dec 31 2009 2:26 PM (8 replies)
  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 10:52 AM

    Happy Holidays, All....

    I went out in the Real World today - something I do from time to time.....

    I was at the Pet Store and while wrestling with a 30 pound bag of Cat Food, I have slightly injured My Thumb - which COULD affect my WGT play.  It is on the Mouse Hand.

    Why not offer an option - more like an add-on than a full Avatar - where I could add BANDAGES (with a big Red Cross on them) to My Avatar?

    This might be a new opportunity for WGT to raise additional revenue in addition to what you will make for charging for the full cartoon characters of ourselves.

    My "injury" is relatively minor - 2 weeks at most.

    These would all have a "Durability" - with the Avatar returning to normal after the term expires.  Maybe even build in a degree of impairment to the player abilities while injured (i.e. the 200 yard club will only drive 185 yards and so on).

    You could sell:

    "Injured Player Bandages - 2 weeks" - 100 Credits

    "Injured Player Bandages- 4 weeks" (and so on) - 200 Credits

    Tons of additional revenue potential for WGT depending on how complicated you want to get with adding crutches, casts etc etc etc for the wide array of possible injuries.  

    A great way for WGT to profit from our injuries AND allow us to reflect "ourselves" in our avatars!  Win-Win!!

    Happy Holidays,  AtlantaCoaster

  • EllisSpice
    871 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 10:56 AM

    And then it would get to the point where you could gift injuries to other players? I could see Tibbets' having every bone in his body broken for the next year if that happened!

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 11:06 AM
    I could see tibbets gifting a "punch in the mouth" to faterson. And so on and so on...
  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 11:08 AM

    I fail to understand some of the sentiments towards Tibbets.  I THINK most of it is joking and clowning but there is a decided undercurrent of jealousy and anger to some of it that I don't care for.

    Why?  Because he plays well?

    He was always congenial and welcoming (and encouraging) to me through our brief interactions via WGT Forums etc when I first joined the site.  Beyond that, my contact with him has been minimal but he has always been nice - so I don't understand some of it...

    BUT IT WAS NOT THE POINT OF MY THREAD....and my comments are not directed at you EllisSpice - it is more of a general comment.  You are clearly (I THINK) joking.

    Thanks for replying, AtlantaCoaster

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 11:49 AM

    ES was unquestionably being funny. I LOL'd that because my thought was to add AvatarLee to the list. It aint a hate thing, it's a "get those 2 outta the way " thing. All in very good fun.

    As for the topic of this thread-forget it. My back brace wouldn't let me swing.   :)



    701 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 1:34 PM

    Or maybe a brown paper bag,you know ,like "The Unknown Comic" use to wear so after all the thrash talking subsides and the scores are handed out,we could try to hide from any further ridicule.Just to try and bandage our pride,so to speak.


  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 2:08 PM

    I LOL'd that because my thought was to add AvatarLee to the list. It aint a hate thing, it's a "get those 2 outta the way " thing. All in very good fun

    Be careful... you might embarrass yourself... ;)  J/k of course!

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 2:11 PM

    I would like to gift a knuckle sandwich. =)

  • WojciechMigda
    158 Posts
    Thu, Dec 31 2009 2:26 PM

    a bit off-topic, but have you noticed that you can see the pitchmarks made by the ball on the green ? I guess we could have pitchforks in the proshop and a button added in the game which would allow us to manouver over the green and stab the marks with a big cartoonish fork ? Morevoer, what about a new award: most pitchmarks repaired in a month :D